Jon, not sure about that by the way did you see my observations which do not include cooking of course. Is it a higher level well that depends, the build quality as well as the cook quality is to be determined.
Sharp edges, crappy caulk job, software not working would not exactly call that above anyone else for $1000 bucks. Shipping grills without the hardware to put them together what really bothers me is the multiple comments about the ash flying around everywhere this is not the only place that has reported that. Most people I think have wood decks not all and I do, so now I need to buy a mat even on the concrete are these embers flying around in your back yard?
I guess my extreme busy time (February here for our organization is like Fourth of July weekend in Gatlinburg

) didn't allow me to more carefully read the articles. The SmokeFire DOES look nicer to me than most of the mid-level pellet grill competition. Unfortunately, Weber was pretty late to the party and I guess feels a lot of pressure to push these things out. That probably explains at least some of the deficiencies noted. The other explanation is that Weber chose what I think is an admirable route. They could have just rolled out a carbon copy of the typical pellet grill but instead pursued a lot of new ground with this grill. Teething pains are probably inevitable, especially for these first ones rushed out of the factory. That goes ditto for the app and related software. Personally, I don't see a need for so much hand-holding and would have been content if they just made a simple, straight up app to monitor and control temperatures. However, many BBQ novices will probably find this app - with all of its detail instructions - very supportive. That is, once they get it working!
At this point, these very early results do make me like my Rec Tec more since it doesn't exhibit the bad traits with ash/embers, has good workmanship and a great, simple app. But, it is also looking a little dated - although I DO still really like its "bulls horn" handles. As I posted elsewhere, it CAN do a steak or burgers, but still not like what we have seen with this new SmokeFire. I think we need to try and forgive Weber for responding to the pressure to get these things out - and, hey,
we all were part of that pressure! I believe it will get better and am trusting them at this point to make things right for those of you brave enough to jump in first. Finally, Traeger - who did not have this pressure on them - has had plenty of missteps with their recent grills. The Timberline ought to offer some better things than the SmokeFire: it costs a TON more! But, it too, has gotten some bad reviews, at least for the early adopters. And their customer service - as you have read here - doesn't seem much to talk about other than to yell "Foul!"