I'm late to the game, but I'll echo the same sentiments as others. I'm staring out the window at my Performer all covered in snow and slush (yes, we're getting a freak snowstorm - temps are supposed to be back in the 80's this weekend), but I'm not worried about my charcoal. I do keep it inside the bag and slide it in and out of the bin. It's easier to dump the coals in my chimney at once, than to scoop, scoop, scoop. It easily holds a 20lb bag of KBB, plus oven mitts and a hand-cranked blower that I have.
I also use the ignition system, but I've switched to a 20lb tank. It's less elegant, but it lasts much longer, and I can just pick it up to know if I'm running low on fuel. Others have attached an in-line fuel gauge. I went through about 5-6 1lb bottles before switching, and I wish I had made the change sooner. I run the propane for about 5 minutes when lighting a chimney. If I'm going for a low-n-slow cook while using the Weber charcoal baskets, I'll fill them with charcoal, put the long sides together to form a hexagon, and put the corner of both joined baskets over the flame for a few minutes. Once some of the charcoal pieces in each basket are lit, I'll separate them and put them on opposing sides and let them do their thing.