new build

OK, if you've got some a router with "secret sauce" to make it's bundled webcam work on port 80 of the router my guess would be you will have a hard time using port 80 for anything else on this router. So your best route would be to find the thread John B started about the subject, I think someone finally detailed how you could change the port on your HM itself, to say 8080, so you could avoid this conflict.
The HTTP server on HeaterMeter is pretty great. You can have it listen on as many ports as you want so you don't have to change it off port 80.
# To add port 8080
uci add_list lucid.http.address=8080
uci commit lucid

# To remove port 8080
uci del_list lucid.http.address=8080
uci commit lucid
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The HTTP server on HeaterMeter is pretty great. You can have it listen on as many ports as you want so you don't have to change it off port 80.
# To add port 8080
uci add_list lucid.http.address=8080
# To remove port 8080
uci del_list lucid.http.address=8080

Awesome! Will the HM listen to the added port after reboot or would you have to do something else to make the new port permanent?
Awesome... So now JayC just needs to get a monitor and keyboard connected to the rPi to enter those commands, or get connected to the rPi via PUTTY (which requires port 22 to be forwarded to the rPi IP in your router). Or can this be done through the "Raw Set Command" field at the bottom of the HM config page?
As a workaround you could do the following.

Using the web based gui to go System > Startup and in the Local Startup box put these lines above "exit 0"

uci add_list lucid.http.address=8080
uci commit lucid

Then click on the "reboot" tab at the top and perform a reboot.

Once that's done, go back to System > Startup and remove the 2 uci lines and reboot once more.
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Yah, thought of that too... I guess you could just add "uci add_list lucid.http.address=8080" and just leave it in place in the "Local Startup"... Prob better just to commit though....
Yah, thought of that too... I guess you could just add "uci add_list lucid.http.address=8080" and just leave it in place in the "Local Startup"... Prob better just to commit though....

I just tried and the "uci add_list" command isn't live until you do a "/etc/init.d/lucid restart", so just leaving the 1 "uci add_list" command in the Local Startup box won't help without the lucid restart command after it.
I tried the code in the "Raw Set Command" field and it didn't seem to work.I tried it in the "Local Startup" section and it didn't seem to work either... I added:

uci add_list lucid.http.address=8080
uci commit lucid

That didn't seem to work either. It doesn't seem logical to add the REBOOT command to the Local STARTUP config, wouldn't that cause a reboot loop?

EDIT: Well damn, port 8080 seems to be working now, so it must have needed another reboot or something (which I did manually) to take hold. I'm not sure which method was successful but its working on both port 80 and 8080 now...
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This will make it easier for people to have more then one heatermeter or oother devieces. This very good to know now how to do it. Thanks all
Yeah it takes two reboots. The first time lucid starts THEN the script runs. So you reboot again and it starts with the right value. You probably want to remove the line afterwards because who knows what effect it will have to add it over and over again.

And the "raw set command" sends HeaterMeter a raw set command, not UCI!
Sorry for the dumb question but what line(s) to remove. I got the port 8080 working using the two lines in Ralph's last post in the system/startup box. Thanks.
You put the two lines into the Local Startup section, then after the new port is working remove those lines from the Local Startup section... because they have been committed and are now permanent, and you don't want the HM to try and re-do that every time it boots...
Fortran, WOW! Flashback to working with the giant VAX machine in college, the one that took up a whole climate controlled room and still couldn't do squat!
Most do not allow this, especially Netgear. They only allow one internal port 80 to be given to one device. If you even try to assign port 80 to another device it will say its being used already. D-link I believe maybe able to do it, not sure. But, most do not under NAT rules

John, this worked! D-Link uses something called Virtual Server to do it rather than port forwarding. I mapped external 81 to internal 80 for the IP for the HM and now it's up and running!


Thanks guys for all the help. I ordered a second one w/ Thermocouple support that looks like it's showing up today. I'll be building it in a few weeks as I have a lot of other projects that I'm finishing up now. I'm stoked about this and doing a pork butt tonight so we'll be ready for the Cowboy/Packers game tomorrow.

