New baby celebration cook


Josh O'Donn

TVWBB Member
PIC HEAVY, consider yourself warned

On Wednesday my wife and I welcomed this little princess into the world...


Today was our first day home without our two year old (he was at preschool) so I decided to fire up the WSM for a celebratory cook. Started off with 3 meaty slabs of loin backs.


I'm still experimenting with my rub and how much I need to apply. Last cook I put too much on, so this time I put on quite a bit less....


Here is the obligatory photo of my WSM smoking away


After I got the ribs on I started work on the beans.... Here are some thick cut bacon, onions, green peppers, and jalapenos that I'm going to add to use to doctor up some original Bush's beans


Here are the beans before going onto the WSM


Here we are two hours in just before foiling


Here we are nearing the end of the cook


Here are the finished ribs


And here are some future meals


This was my first time cooking beans and sweet potatoes on the WSM. The beans turned out AWESOME, I will definitely be doing them again with another jalapeno or two to up the heat a bit. The sweet potatoes were also delicious but they could have been cooked a little longer. They weren't hard by any means but they weren't as soft as I'd of liked for them to be. My wife bought the potatoes, for some reason she bought fat round potatoes instead of long thinner potatoes which would have cooked quicker. The ribs were good, not great. I think I went to conservative with the rub this time, I need to find a happy medium I reckon. They were also just a bit undercooked, even though they were on for nearly 5 hours at 250.
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Practice makes perfect, Josh. And it looks like you don't need to practice baby makin' anymore: she looks perfect! Congratulations.
Congratulations on the newborn, Josh! Your cook was a truly fantastic way to welcome your daughter into the world. Smart idea to vacuum pack ribs & beans for future meals --- I did the same thing when my wife was pregnant, and having ready-to-eat BBQ was a lifesaver on those days after a sleepless night with a new baby.
Congrats ...your little princess looks perfect! You and your wife did good...and you did great on that meal!

Take care and enjoy every moment..nice work on both accounts!!
Congratulations Josh!!!! Ribs and beans look good too, never thought to vacupac beans before, great idea!
Outstanding photos and congrats on the new baby! I liked the pre cooking of the bacon, peppers and onions for the baked beans. For some reason, I have never done my baked beans in the WSM while cooking the meat, so I am making a note to do that on the next cook. Ribs looks great and surprised that they were not tender enough after 5 hours at 250, and some of the time in foil. Based on appearance, they look like they would taste great.
Congrats to you and your wife Josh!

Also, the food looked pretty good to me. I'll have to try jalapenos in my beans next time. Sounds tasty!
Congratulations Josh and Baby Princess' Mom!
Your ribs look FANTASTIC!

I once had a new baby, but she left me for another prince:rolleyes:

