New Addition to the Family, rehab advice appreciated - Weber Genesis E-310

In case anyone is reading this in the future and doing a rehab like this one...

On the two brackets that hold the big main grease tray (the one that spans the width of the firebox)....I cut off the rivots that hold those to the two side panels. I did this so I could grind down and prime/paint the side panels properly. To reattach those pieces I had to drill out the holes a little larger and then held brackets in place with some SS 1/4" nut, bolt & washers.

On the backside of the grill, there are two brackets attached to the side panels. These are supposed to be used to mount the back panel in place, but since I'm making a wood panel back piece, I won't be using those brackets. I think I'm going to make some sort of hangers out of those and use as grate hangers. I know this is a gas grill, but with my charcoal grills it seems like I am always trying to find a good place to sit or hang a grate while the chimney is getting the coals ready or other reasons. Since this will probably be put into duty next to one of my Performers, then I figure I'll get some use out of the unused brackets.

Ran out of wood for the floor pieces, so I'll need to make another run to Home Depot. After I get the back and sides installed then the doors will be a breeze. The magnetic brackets I bought are going to be perfect. The are the same exact width as the thickness of my floorboad, got lucky there.

After that I just need to throw a clear coat on the two side piese that attach to the frame (the tool holder things), then Just need to do some final grinding on the outside of the firebox and lid side pieces....paint and clear those and I should be cooking in about a week, hopefully
I have got to give you a ton of credit. Most people would have parted out that 310 long before you got this far. I really hope you can get it all back together and working great, if only to show that it CAN be done:coolkettle:!

I hope to have a sidewinder some day, but if the "unibody" side frame pieces are that far gone, I am just not willing to put in all the effort reviving them takes. It is going to get harder and harder to find these older grills in usable condition however. Hopefully your mods will ward off rust and decay for many years to come(y). We will all be watching and pulling for you!!!!
I have got to give you a ton of credit. Most people would have parted out that 310 long before you got this far. I really hope you can get it all back together and working great, if only to show that it CAN be done:coolkettle:!

I hope to have a sidewinder some day, but if the "unibody" side frame pieces are that far gone, I am just not willing to put in all the effort reviving them takes. It is going to get harder and harder to find these older grills in usable condition however. Hopefully your mods will ward off rust and decay for many years to come(y). We will all be watching and pulling for you!!!!
Thanks Jon. This was my first purchase since getting back into the grilling scene. Cannot believe I paid $100 for this thing....but since then I've found many great deals that I've flipped that have more than made back my $100.
I think the only reason I've stuck with rehabbing this one is because I don't want to admit defeat with my wife!

It should be a good grill for me though. It's already been a good learning grill and I should get lots of good meals off of it too.

Also excited to get this in the lineup, so I can get the freebie S-310 out of my lineup, cleaned and $old!
Got the back on today. Starting to look like an actual grill now.
also mounted a corner brace onto the back panel brackets. Going to paint this to match the grey frame and mount a few hooks on it to hold grates and or other BBQ tools

Made a little more progress today. Installed floorboard, magnet catches for the door and the grease tray holder. Have to tweak grease tray a little to level it out

Well that is sure coming along. I can't wait for the final product. Thanks for the update.
And we said it couldn't be done! You look to be on the home stretch, Kyle. You can definitely take pride and laugh at the naysayers (like me:giggle:) while you lay down some good steaks on that thing! Looks like it could be soon(y).
Should be able to finish this bad boy by this weekend! That's the plan at least. Basically just need to do a little more grinding on the firebox then prime, paint and clear. Assemble and fire it up.

I'm going to give this grill too my dad. About 6-7 years ago I gave him a closed cabinet Silver A 2 burner. It's seen better days, this will be a nice upgrade for sure. I'll post pictures as I progress further.
IMO, you are better off with something less than gloss. But, I have never tried the clear coat on a cook box, so I can't really attest to how it would look or wear.

Can you throw up a photo or two of the cook box with the bare VHT Cast iron paint?
Finally got the firebox and lid sides all grinded clean yesterday.
A little sanding of the hard to reach corners, Xylol to clean, then paint goes on today! Finally! The end is in sight!

Question for you guys... Do you always use a high heat primer? Or would paint and clear coat be enough?


