Jon Tofte
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I was able to pick up a spare grill which is in better conditions than mine but is ng. I have took my lp apart and began to sand. Should I paint the firebox with high temperature gloss paint as the cart or should be be a dull black high temp paint? Thanks for the help in advance.
Congrats on getting a parts grill. You do have the fever!
Of course your paint question is ultimately a matter of personal preference. If you want to be authentic, then I would go with the satin/flat shade you have. I think a lot of others here would probably say to do that on the aluminum side pieces of the hood as well.
For me personally, if my goal was to make the grill more attractive (and not be as worried about what they originally looked like) I would use the gloss on the side caps of the hood and possibly even the firebox as well. Maybe you could try the flat on a side piece to see if you like it. You can always paint over and change. There have been a number of redhead restores on here done both ways. You might want to search under "redhead" and see what the pictures look like to get more ideas.
Good luck and enjoy! We will all look forward to restoration process pictures