Naked bird

It all looks so good, Case. Nice job man. Does the flavor set-up better without the skin? How big of a difference are you seeing here vs skin on?
I love that cook. Really want those taters now.
It all looks so good, Case. Nice job man. Does the flavor set-up better without the skin? How big of a difference are you seeing here vs skin on?
I love that cook. Really want those taters now.
You get a bunch more flavor on the meat. Meat still nice and juicy. I started doing this years ago because the wife doesn’t eat the skin.
Looks great Case. We usually lift the skin and season underneath then remove the skin when serving. Use your method with BSCBs and it does give it much more flavor.
Looks great Case. We usually lift the skin and season underneath then remove the skin when serving. Use your method with BSCBs and it does give it much more flavor.
Thanks Rich. I like to use the skin for schmaltz . So I like to remove it. Once I have 2-3 chickens worth I’ll render it down.
Exactly what I was thinking, and it would've been great for those potatoes!

My wife doesn't like chicken skin, either, but that just means there's more for me and The Dog.;)
Just waiting for the weather to cool down so I can render the skin down. I like to do 2-3 chickens worth.

Pie crusts and biscuits is where the schmaltz gets used the most around our house.

The taters were cooked in bacon grease we had left over from breakfast!

