My search has ended



TVWBB Member
I had been looking for a used performer for quite sometime and finally found a 2014 platinum. The guy had bought this after moving to a condo only to find out charcoal burning is prohibited.


It came with a cover and as we were waking thru his garage he said " oh yeah I have this for it too. '


I got all for $200.00. I now have 18.5 and 22.5 WSM, Summit gas grill and my new beauty. My weber family just keeps growing.. Had to share it with people I know can appreciate it.. thanks for looking.. Cant wait to cook something on it.. Peace to all... Dave
Congrats on that beauty. I am still looking for a Genesis to rebuild but so far nothing. Enjoy that beauty.
All that for only $200, when the new gas-assist Performer ALONE costs twice that, is a steal. Cover plus CI grate would set you back $500+ for a new setup ------- and not cook one bit better. :cool:
Whoa, whoa, whoa .... your search has ended? Welcome to the beginning of your journey. Many more finds to be had. Excellent score you have there, well done (love the color and condition).
That is a great score! Congrats! I know how you feel. I watched CL for almost a year and a half before I got mine.
Great score! You say your search has ended...Ha! You have the curse of the Weber you will never stop looking, there will always be another that will catch your eye.
Clean cooker, Craycort grates and a no handguard lid at a reasonable price. Very sweet. Don't be afraid of having too many's good, it's good.
Sweet deal! A like new copper Performer with gas assist, cover and Craycort grates, what a deal! Congratulations.
Clean cooker, Craycort grates and a no handguard lid at a reasonable price. Very sweet. Don't be afraid of having too many's good, it's good.

Listen to Hoss as he speaks the truth....... I now have 15 Webers.......and yes I still check CL every day :o

