My new performer and a question.

When I light mine, I'll get maybe two seconds of rumbling sound. I've always chalked it up to turbulent flow through the burner tube, as the flame front gets set up into just the right place. Once the flame is in the right spot and the flow becomes laminar, there's no sound at all. Last night when I lit the burner, it never rumbled at all - the ignitor popped, and I had a nice stable, silent flame instantly.
It was cloudy/rain today so I was able to see the flame easier while I dialed it down.
There is a difference when going by sight not by feel.
On high mine sounds like a torch and has a serious flame.
I always had the baskets or chimney in place and never noticed the flame, just felt the heat.
Thank's everyone!
The pins are bad about leaking on the small tanks, that's why I don't recommend refilling them, use to use propane lites and took a can off and set it down , noticed bubbles from it where rain got in the top. Started checking them and 10 minutes latter if you can smell gas the tank will empty its self, better to leave it connected where the valve keeps it shut off.
And another question. When you use the gas assist to light your chimney or baskets, do you have the bottom vents open or closed?
And another question. When you use the gas assist to light your chimney or baskets, do you have the bottom vents open or closed?
Open along with the top vent open the only thing I do is point the the open lid towards the on coming wind to protect the gas flame.
And I only run the gas for about 3 to 5 minutes so the bottom coals are fully lite, then turn off gas and the air flow from bottom vents will allow a natural flow of heat to lite the rest in about 10 to 15 minutes.

