My First Brisket Cook-Flat Texas Style With Butcher Paper



TVWBB Gold Member
Unwrapping it after 12 hours at 260 degrees

Passed the bend test

Slicing her up

Now a question for the experts here. I purchased this at Sam's club and it was labeled a flat. When I was slicing it I saw this and I thought it looks to me like a point or part thereof. I am very new to cooking briskets so I hope someone can tell me if my assesment is correct.

Help? Best one in a long time bro! (not a brisket wizard) so i cant help ya....BUT DAMN god resaults!
Thanks Wolgast and Craig. I'm learning a lot thanks to this site and good folks like Chris and yourselves.
Looks mighty tasty lefty JRAiona, point...flat ill take a few slices of that anytime.
Brisket looks amazing! . That does look like part of a point. I accidentally bought a flat one time and had that on mine from Sam's. You basically have a small packer there!
It's called a "trimmed flat", but it still has a little bit of the point on it. Basically, the processor doesn't take the time to try and find the fat seam to remove the entire point. Instead, they run the cutter right across the top of the flat
John, Looks DELISH!!
I think you have the flat there...
The point is the marbled, fatty section that sits on top of the flat, the bigger, leaner bottom section.


Flat on the left, point on the right.
Thanks Dustin and Dave. That's kind of what I thought was going on and just wanted some more experienced brisketeers to confirm that. I's funny tht you said that it's a small packer Dustin, I said that same thing to my wife. I appreciate your compliment and input.
Thanks Jim. This part was very fatty in comparison to the other section I sliced up. That was what made me wonder what was going on there. So much to learn. I appreciate your insight.
I dont know if it's a point or flat. I don't know if its a cow or a unicorn. I DO looks delicious!
Looks great! I've been doing only high heat briskets for the longest time, but have been getting the urge to try slow and low again. My HH briskets never look that good.
Awesome job on your brisket, that looks mighty tasty from here. I'd take a plate of that any time.
What DaveW and Jim said. Definitely flat with possibly a small section of the point. Regardless, looks absolutely fantastic! Looks nice and moist with great bark.

