

Karl Repsher

but I don't know what to call it.

Wednesday I was going from store to store looking for Mirin to make the yakatori chicken that I've seen here, I didn't find any Mirin, but in the last store I visited I found these.

This store always has flour tortillas but it's rare to find corn, I bought all 16 packages they had for $2 each!

When I got home everyone wanted something different so we made a hodge-podge of Mexican food.

First up, started cooking the beans.

Browning the rice for Spanish rice.

Skirt steak marinating in Tony R's excellent marinade recipe.

As requested, sliced up some red onion, green and yellow bells and some tomatoes.

Veggies cookin' in some bacon grease.

Skirt steak on the Genesis.

Plated, my bride whipped up some guacamole using an avocado from our tree, we cut up some tortillas for chips, ...I don't know what to call it, I just piled everything on top of a fried tortilla tostada style.

Oh man, it was sooo good, ...1 package down, 15 more to go.

Thanks for lookin'.

I don't think you'll have to worry about finding corn tortillas in the future. Once the store finds out that they were the hottest seller and sold out in a day, I'm sure they'll order more. :p

I guess most of us are spoiled to find corn tortillas in just about every store we go to.

But this picture says it all….


