Map of cultural regions of the USA

Holy melting pot, Batman! I'm a mix of Lower Appalachia, Mid Atlantic South, and Chesapeake. I have no idea what any of those mean, but I'm pretty much right at the intersection of all of 'em. No wonder Virginia has become a battleground state.
I always find maps interesting. I grew up in Southeast Missouri. The map says it's part of the upper south, and I mostly agree. There are plenty of people in that area with strong "Southern Accents" and lots of folks enjoy southern style foods.
I always find maps interesting. I grew up in Southeast Missouri. The map says it's part of the upper south, and I mostly agree. There are plenty of people in that area with strong "Southern Accents" and lots of folks enjoy southern style foods.
I'm 74 and lived in the StL area for 60 years now, we moved here from SEMO when I was 14.
It's still strange to hear my own recorded voice with my southern-ish accent.
You guys/y'all should try this dialect quiz.

It ID-ed me down to the zip code I grew up in.

It pegged me at a choice of 3, St Louis, Springfield, MO, and OK City. Strongest at St Louis.
I thought my crawdad answer would've put me further south than StL.
You guys/y'all should try this dialect quiz.

It ID-ed me down to the zip code I grew up in.

I live in Pennsylvania, but work in Maryland (for the last 16 years), and most my clients are from Baltimore. It placed me in B-more. Second it placed me Philly which my wife grow up outside of. Last it put me in Arlington, VA which was the center of my father's territory as a pharmaceutical sales rep my whole childhood. Last, the darkest red spot is right where I grow up and live. When my wife met me she did not know what a sub was, in her area they are hoagies, when we go to her hometown we still stop and get Lee's Hoagies. When we lived in Pittsburgh, my wife and my favorite sign was for the beer and pop store.
Says I'm from Bakersfield or Vegas... I'm from the Los Angeles area.
Never heard of a drive through liquor store!
You guys/y'all should try this dialect quiz.

It ID-ed me down to the zip code I grew up in.

Put me in Arlington, Va - a mere 20 miles (if that) from where I'm sitting. 2nd choice was Washington, DC. Just a couple miles further. 3rd was Boston. I've been in the DC area for decades, but the last place I lived before that was CT for 4 years. Combine that with a parent from NE and I guess I see the influence.
So what was the major tell for you?

For me, "sneakers" was the thing that most strongly tied me to NYC. I haven't lived there in decades and no longer have any accent. But the algorithm can see right through me.

Pretty amazing how accurate that quiz is for most people. And then not accurate at all for others.
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Has me Chicago IL, Rockford IL and Aurora IL. Grew up in Chicago, have lived near Aurora at one point in my life and now in Rockford IL metro area. Have heard of drive through liquor but never saw one in real life
You guys/y'all should try this dialect quiz.
There are a series of videos on YouTube from a guy who is a dialect coach for the movies. I started watching the series he did on U.S. dialects. He highlighted a number of speech pattern differences I would have never been able to pick out on my own. This guy was amazing in his ability to imitate each of these dialects.

