Louie Ribs, taters, birds & college hoops


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
local store had Saint Louis cut spares on sale, so i bought up a few racks and slapped one on the Weber kettle.



watched a little local college basketball while the pork smoked over hickory


fed the birds using the NEW bird feeder thanks for the link Bob :)


after 5 hours, these were cooked..


made more potato galette


and grilled a few knob onions...


that's all i got, sorry, no plated photos
thank you for stoppin' by, so long
No need for plated pics, Jim! I would have been digging in way before I had a chance to pick up a camera. Looks like you used some Grove charcoal. I am really liking it!

Great lookin' cook and pics!!
Wait what??? No Lampe plate? No brew? Oh man what's happening here...

Oh well all the same Jim it looks awesome anyhow...gotta give those taters a shot!!
Great looking meal Jim. Did that meal even make it to a plate or did you just forget to to take one?? I'm guessing the first one.
Great lookinig meal Jim, I see the sun got you out of the Pigvillion. I'm in the market for another bird feeder can you help a brother out with the link?
I'll second that emotion (my tribute to Bobby Rodgers) looks like all the elements of a perfect day in Raymond. Definitely going to try those taters this week. Nice work Jim.
Jim - Love the pull back on the ribs and the taters look delish - I'm going to have to try that one. Sounds look a great weekend day overall!
I gotta try those potatoes Jim, they look fantastic.. well done on the rest too - but no plated pictures? whats up with that hehe.. ;) just pokin

