Looks like Aaron Franklin has a book out soon

I personally don't believe that one has to buy a book to make a better BBQ (whatever). But this one sounds/looks worthy and I'll be a buyer.:)

My book arrived today. Can't wait to dig in! Also ordered a copy of Daniel Vaughn's book while I was at it.

The Prophets of Smoked Meat

I'm a pretty avid reader. The Prophets of Smoked Meats reads almost like a novel and takes you through some of Daniel Vaughns BBQ expeditions through each region of Texas BBQ. I'm about half-way through the Franklin book. It's a great read so far. It's hard to put down.
The Kindle edition is only $12.99, so I think I'll spring for it, as I have run out of bookcase room, long ago.
Update: Over night, Amazon lowered the price of Aaron's book in hardcover to $18.19 from 29. 99.! So instead of buying the Kindle edition, I went ahead and paid the $5 extra bucks and got the hard cover.
No recipes, but then I have so many I don't mind.

Yes it is offset only but it gives his mindset and more. I like it so far it was what I was hoping for, too often the books are virtually all recipes.
My copy just arrived this morning. There are some recipes for different meats in the back and some rub recipes. Not many though.
I enjoyed the book as well, though it was only about offsets though. (which I do not cook on). It does have a few recipes in the back though. I am going to try the bbq sauce ones.
I'm enjoying the book as well. Even though it does focus on offset cooking there is still a lot of good information.
I enjoyed the book
It's a BBQ yes but it's more
The story of a young couple who had a dream and did what it took
To make it happen delightful
Really great book. I enjoyed the first part about his personal story as well, and even if you don't cook on an offset (which I'm assuming is most of us), there is just a wealth of info and tips from a guy who does this every day. Get yourself a copy, you will definitely learn something new.
With a 9 month old and work I do not get a lot of down time to read but I am in the middle of Franklins new book. His personal story of how he started was fantastic. I am a sucker for entrepreneurship and building something from nothing. I am excited to finish it.
Reading it now on my Kindle App - very good so far and I am 20% through it. As someone mentioned here, his personal story of entrepreneurship is compelling.

