Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
I've given it a lot of thought actually. What I'd really like to do is have the ability to build OpenWrt for RaspberryPi and then thing should hopefully work with both. The OpenWrt people have said they're not going to port it though, so that may not be able to happen. Another option is to get LuCI working on a straight Debian of Fedora ARM target which might be a little easier. I'd like to avoid having a 1-2GB system image though because clearly LinkMeter only needs about 4MB worth of system image and around 32MB of RAM.Originally posted by Brian Hilgert:
I was just curious if you ha given any thought yet on porting to the RPi? Specifically, were you planning on trying to port the existing link meter to the RPi, or if you had planned on going down a new route.
I'm just going to expand the hmdude application to support directly flashing the ATmega for that scenario, no bootloader or Ardiuno IDE would be needed any longer which should save a lot of hassle.
But to be more direct, yeah, I'll almost certainly try to keep as much code as possible the same, considering they're both just Linux ARM systems. I can't really say much more until I get one to see what I can do with it, I think my updated ship date is end of June.