Ben Fillmore
TVWBB Member
Originally posted by RJ Riememsnider:
Just to verify, you are getting the same on the LCD of the AVR and in the web config?
Originally posted by RJ Riememsnider:
Just to verify, you are getting the same on the LCD of the AVR and in the web config?
1. The WRT54GS, isn't that a completely different beast than a WRT54G? It may not have serial ports or run on 12V. The firmware may run on it though, if the Broadcomm SoC is the same or close.Originally posted by Mathew Lee:
I have tons of questions to get started.
Yup, but I'm still on the waiting list. I hear I should have one by the end of June.Originally posted by E. Fox:
raspberry pi finally shipping. still planning on migrating to a pi based controller?
Originally posted by Ben Fillmore:
Okay, I have no idea any more.
Pins on my PCB are good.
My jack is good.
I get readings on the heatermeter when I hook up a resistor across ground and probe 1 pins.
Heatermeter tells me no Pit probe if I hook up the actual probe.
Checking the reading of the probe I get 1.0 mega ohms at room temperature. Is this a proper reading for the 732?
Originally posted by Dave Smith:
new router coming, but till I understand completely how to set it up,I won't even try.
Spent all weekend trying to unbrick this that I just gave up and ordered a new one, all the sites given to me to help unbrick where no go, guess I really screwed it up good.
It isn't terribly far, maybe 20ft or so. I'd considered making a unit which had an LCD and displayed the temperature / fan speed but then I thought I'd like some buttons on it and finally I realized that my smartphone or tablet or HTPC actually was this device.Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RJ Riememsnider:
I had a thought. What is the range of the wireless probe module? Could this be used to send current temps to a dedicated receiver? I was thinking a simple device with a large led display.
Originally posted by RJ Riememsnider:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave Smith:
Ok, here's what I get:
Interfaces;network;lan is showing uptime.
general setup:
status 0%
wireless enabled
channel 11
transmit 20 dbm
network .lan
the ipv4 addy I got was; all this was when it was connected to my desktop.
diconnected from desktop only the power light is on.
does this look right so far?
Originally posted by Ben Fillmore:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
Yeah this is pretty bizarre. Have you tried going into the configuration and trying other coefficient presets? It seems if the "R" units show about 1Mohm at room temperature, then you should be getting a temperature value. Maybe try changing the coefficients to another preset then back to the 732 preset?
If the resistance readout gives you an accurate number with a probe plugged in, then you should be good to go. Even if the probes aren't compatible you can use that to calculate the proper coefficients.
Originally posted by Dave Smith:
Ok, here's what I get:
Interfaces;network;lan is showing uptime.
general setup:
status 0%
wireless enabled
channel 11
transmit 20 dbm
network .lan
the ipv4 addy I got was; all this was when it was connected to my desktop.
diconnected from desktop only the power light is on.
does this look right so far?
Originally posted by Dave Smith:
Ok, I followed what Bryan had said.....enable wireless interface, save and in the wireless interface there is lan and wan....which one is enabled?
join...sure, how??
Yeah this is pretty bizarre. Have you tried going into the configuration and trying other coefficient presets? It seems if the "R" units show about 1Mohm at room temperature, then you should be getting a temperature value. Maybe try changing the coefficients to another preset then back to the 732 preset?Originally posted by Ben Fillmore:
I can guarantee that my HeaterMeter board can read the value of a 4.7K resistor in place of a probe.
I guess next step is to find a potentiometer that'll go up to about 500K to 1M. We'll see if the HeaterMeter just can't handle reading the higher resistances. Maybe I have a cold solder joint somewhere in the ground line that's just too flaky to handle it. Or maybe my probes just aren't compatible due to some aspect of electronics that I don't get. Crossing fingers.
Oops crap. Apparently I broke this when I checked it in. I just fixed it in github and the snapshot if you want to try it again. I don't know about the 732 probes but the 72's are only 200k ohms.Originally posted by Ben Fillmore:
Also setting units to 'R' doesn't seem to work for me. I can swap between F and C, but R does nothing.
Originally posted by Ben Fillmore:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RJ Riememsnider:
Just to verify, you are getting the same on the LCD of the AVR and in the web config?
My WWAN is connected to my house's AP over wireless and has an address. It is NOT bridged, and under physical settings the interface is set to "Wireless Network: Client "capnbry24"". Are you sure you have the wifi security set properly?Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Neil Mager:
So I tried this and I get "wireless is disabled or not associated" under the wifi tab. However, it is enabled.
LAN is the only interface showing uptime, WAN and WWAN do not show any uptime.
Should the WWAN be bridged?
Also, which subnet is your linkmeter on - are you changing it to be the same subnet as your ap or leaving it on the default 200 subnet?