Leaf steak.



TVWBB Olympian
This is what it is called here in Sweden...Thin steaks cut from the inner thigh.(Even read elephant ear in some restaurants)(oh and its beef)

We start of with the meat. Filled with seared shrooms/onion/salt & pepper. And then rolled.

The taters were baking already. And a pan with butter/shrooms is on.

Then added some cream/salt/pepper/soy to the pan.

A quick sear on the rollls.

Then into the gravy pan.( 2 fell over so all you can se is the uncooked area of the meat)

A Simple cream fresh on the tater,And a fast salad. Nothing fancy...But the sause is soooo good.

My camera focus was of as hell. That happens from time to time.(to me more often then others):confused:

Have a great day ppl! And thanks for your time!
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Another Wolgast gem!
Love the looks of your leaf steaks Daniel!

poked around a bit, over here they may be called minute steaks, usually cut from the sirloin, and sometimes cubed.

The focus problem could be a lens front or back focus issue.
Was this the lens that you normally use?
The pics look fine to me, but info (rather long) about this is here:
Yes, looks very much like minute steaks and looks very much like I'd EET acoupla those Daniel!
A beautiful dinner plate!!

can't help you with your focus issues, i find it hard to focus on my own:rolleyes:
Thanks B0B...I just need to back of a few feets i guess.(the link have some awesome reads). But i know i have taken some pics from a trip to (Denmark)...Tivoli...This pic is taken about 15 meters away:

And this is after it´s been cropped in Photoshop

Sure it´s a bit blurry but its a zoomed in pic.

I hate to do anything then rezise my pics. Editing makes it to a work more then a BBQ hobby(if you dont like editing)

So i post my pic of the camera. But it´s like a box of chocolate...Some goes some are just nasty. I Dont know my camera,so a trip to you is needed.
What a beautiful looking meal. Your meals are always something I want to try. I’m far from being a photo expert but it looks like your shooting at 1/60 and at F4. At F4, there’s not much that will be sharp when you shoot that close. For farther distances it should be fine. You may want to try F8 or even smaller. You’ll probably have to bump the ISO up though to keep your shutter speed. Good Luck!
Beautiful Daniel. Steaks look good; gravy looks awesome! Another Wolgast gem as someone once said...
Excellent cook Daniel! I too don't see a problem with your photos, they look great to me. The other two you posted yes are a tad blurry but that could be from slower shutter speed or too much caffeine..:cool:
Unbelievable...wait, very believable coming from you. Another inspirational cook. Going to try this in some form for sure! Great job!

BTW, the pics look fine to me.
To me it looks like you misplaced your focus? The steel construction in the background looks sharper than the persons. A bit hard to say, not having access to the original photo. When you use short shutter times, the field of depth is not very large.

I also make these leaf steaks with moose meat, I do not roll them, but grill them flat, for a let's say ten sconds on each side. Will try the rolled version for sure!
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