Last grill in my garage to rehab finally done. Gold B.

Everyone, I really appreciate the input. I modified the listing and added some of your ideas.



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I have found people very receptive to the blasted cook boxes. Clean is clean.

What's the consensus, do most members prefer the blasted grey steel look or do others prefer to have it repainted with the proper paint? Just trying to understand and figure how I should proceed when the time comes. Any pros/cons?
What's the consensus, do most members prefer the blasted grey steel look or do others prefer to have it repainted with the proper paint? Just trying to understand and figure how I should proceed when the time comes. Any pros/cons?

When I have them sandblasted. I always repaint the outside, I dont believe anyone leaves them the gray color after they are sandblasted? Was that what you are asking?


When I have them sandblasted. I always repaint the outside, I dont believe anyone leaves them the gray color after they are sandblasted? Was that what you are asking?

Bobby thanks for the clarification. So outside should be repainted but is the interior space in your pic the sandblasted look or painted grey? I guess that's the question I should be asking. Thanks in advance.
George, The whole box gets blasted, inside and out. You only paint the OUTSIDE. Most of the high heat paints for grills are not designed to be used on the interior of the grill. They give off noxious fumes when heated which are not good to mix with food.
Hope that helps clarify.
hahahaha. There might be some original black factory paint on the inside of the grill. But, I think that is powder coating and not really paint and it is minimal as well just along the top edges on each side mainly. It seems a lot of the grill that I have used an angle grinder and wire brush on in the past seemed to have a bit of paint (factory powder coating) on those areas. But, I think it is something that Weber researched and determined wasn't a health issue if heated up. I have also noticed some over-spray on the insides of some Q grills as well. But again, that isn't rattle can High Temp Grill paint that weber used.

That being said, 20 years of burned on grease and grime sure can look like 35 coats of black paint.
I think that
Looks like your price is right in line with what others are asking.

It looks like that guy has the wrong valve/orifice on that side burner or there is something else wrong with it. I don't think it should have those tall yellow flames.
Hmmm, I have been hit by him a few times. It is usually some response like: "I really love your item, please call this number and tell me when I can pick it up". The give away is that the response could be for baby food jars as much as a gas grill.
I think that

It looks like that guy has the wrong valve/orifice on that side burner or there is something else wrong with it. I don't think it should have those tall yellow flames.
That or it could need cleaning. I'll bet the latter
Yah, Larry, I was thinking the guy was just messing with it, getting it set up for pictures and it might be burning off some cleaner or even old gunk from non-use. Also, if that top plate on the burner isn't set in just right, it will cause screwed up flames as well.
Bottom line is that it just doesn't look good in an advertisement photo.

