Korean Chicken Thighs


Pat G

TVWBB Emerald Member
I saw someone post a Korean marinade on here a while back. Basically 1 cup soy, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water. I added some lemon juice, red pepper flakes, onion powder, ground ginger and granulated garlic and marinated some chicken thighs over night.

Man this turned out good.

The ingredients.

Simmering the marinade.

Went with the Jumbo Joe.

Getting close.

My trusty helper is watching the progress.

I thickened up some of the reserve marinade and threw it all together with some brown rice and steamed broccoli.

This turned out wonderful! I'm going to use this marinade on ribs one of these days.

Thanks for looking.:cool:
I love the JJ Tony. My Performer has always been my go to but the JJ is the perfect size for most cooks.

Nice cook Pat that looks really good. Going to steal that recipe idea.
Got to agree my performer isn't getting used nearly as much since I got the JJ. Perfect size for most cooks we do and much more fuel efficient.
Your right Pat that is one awesome recipe and yours looks fantastic. Rich and I are during it for dinner tonight. Hope it turns out as great as yours.

