It was a Crown Royal Maple Glazed Fattie kind of Friday


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
First, I'll spare you all from a separate post of "It was a cheap Pizza kind of Thursday"
since I'm sure most are getting 'kind of' tired of all this junk from me.




That little griddle works great for pizza too, at least for frozen ones.

Yesterday I was bored, no cooks planned, so a roll of hot sausage made into a fattie seemed like the thing to do.
Wanted to keep the temps around 225, and the snake did that for me.

Penzey's no salt Arizona Dreaming for the rub, sugar maple for the smoke.

About now I realized I needed a grease catcher.

Made a glaze of CR Maple, and brown sugar, plus a little ice cold CR for the cook.


Most know what's coming next.

Thanks for the visit, and I leave you with Peace & Love and a shot of Jo Anne's dinner plate hibiscus.
Boy, you're giving that EuroQ a workout this week. All looks good - especially the McBob and the Hibiscus.
Fatty McBobs I love the way you did that. Will have to give that a try soon myself. Nice pics of Joann's hibiscus.
Never get tired of your posts, Bob. Keep 'em rolling. This one looks great too. Never done a fattie. Have to give it a try.
Bob, I always look forward to your posts, there always informative with great pictures...well most of the time, but I always look forward to them really:)
great cooks (fatty & mcbob) & photos.

I used to fill my cart with those frozen pizzas & 2 liters of coke. I didn't cook them with such style though, I'd usually just microwave them and roll 'em up like a burrito. (I was left to fend for myself when I was in high school when the old man went to Iraq for the gulf war).
Bob some great looking pictures.;) I'm sure your pizza ws much better then the one we had from Papa Johns the other night.
a McFattie on the McWeber made into a McBob served with McMilk....

Okay, I'll take McOne! or McTwo....

