Is this anyone from the forums?

Many years ago I bought a 20-lb frozen turkey during a holiday sale and had the guy in the meat department cut it in half with the band saw. Voila, two 10-lb turkeys, one to cook and one to freeze. But I would not try it with a reciprocating saw.
Actually I think the reciprocating saw is a great idea if I was actually going to cut the turkey in half clean blade of course never would buy that large a turkey to do that but whatever. :)
Well, my new chainsaw has been broken in dispatching an old railroad tie as well as various unwelcome saplings so, it’s no longer clean enough (let alone the bar oil is a petroleum product not, corn oil as I’m told some folks use) I guess that is the excuse I will use right now. But, I surely have used a bandsaw for any number of projects in the past.

