Interesting birthday


RichPB (richlife)

TVWBB Wizard
No grilling today. It happens today is my 75th and earlier this week I and, a day later, my wife tested positive for COVID. So that kind of set up my b-day. We're both on Paxlovid and doing ok (me a day more ok than Sheila) but of course real life doesn't stop. So stuff for our townhouse remodel has been coming in damaged -- all dealt with though with some foggy-headed difficulty, however today I had to haul my not so great feeling carcass an hour drive to get replacements for a couple of small marble trim pieces so that the guys could stay at work getting the master bath finished. The biggest problem was simply trying to stay awake -- alert was a now and then sensation. But it got done and I safely got back to bed. Early this evening after we both felt a little better, we got to talking about this whole experience and Sheila said that there is a good side to all this. We're all vaccinated up, we've got COVID, so there's no reason we can't take a cruise this Spring to celebrate our move and our 54th anniversary. Yeah! Why not? So she just locked a great deal for a fine suite on Norwegian for the week of our anniversary. And the COVID birthday worked out after all.

It also happened that most of our Christmas plan aborted when one of my grandsons and then my daughter got COVID. So today she says how about they come visit on Sunday (that's the end of our isolation) and we all go see how the townhouse has progressed. Daughter and grandsons have never seen it at all. And as she said, they've already had it. So we test and then will go admire the new digs.

Yes, not a bad birthday at all!
Well, happy birthday Rich! Take it slow, several folks I know have had to do the Paxlovid regimen and have all said the same thing, “foggy, no energy!” So, take it slow you’ll be fine.
Happy Birthday Rich. Today is my dad's 96th. we celebrate with him tomorrow. Cooking a large pork loin on his Genesis along with some filet mignons for the non pork eaters (all 2 of them) LOL
I think if you've had all the jabs it helps. I know wife and I both got it and never realized we did. Had colds knock me down WAY worse than the Covid did. The only oddball thing is the very sudden loss of smell and taste. Literally like a light switch went off. Though loss of smell and taste is very common with anything that affects the sinuses. I've had that happen during colds and flu but very rarely. It seems like it's a "trademark" of the CV19. In any case it was short lived and other than a nuisance not bad. Lasted about 24 hours for me
Well as you know, could have been far worse. You were still able to plough through a day of getting stuff done...not too bad.
I had it back in November. It was very mild...not even noticeable beyond a raspy throat for 2 days and a bit of fatigue later in the day. Ten days before I tested negative. I quarantined at our beach house...10 days of bachelor living at the Jersey shore...I've had colds that were way worse.
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Yeah it's kinda weird. We never got raspy throats. Coughs, sniffles, No fevers. One thing I noticed was that the cough was a bit worse than a common cold. Though one thing to keep in mind is that even the common cold is a corona virus. So, many similarities.
Happy Birthday Rich! Surprising similarities, but we haven't caught the bug yet...get well soon!
Thanks all for your good thoughts and wishes! 😊 This morning I tested negative -- Sheila was on day 4 of Paxlovid, so she wore a mask despite the kids having had COVID.

We had a good time today showing our new place to the kids (daughter plus 17 and 19 yr old grandsons) -- especially with our symptoms abating. They all love the townhouse too despite the chaos of remodeling! Then back to our old place for a belated Christmas and birthday. It was a fine family time. 🥰

With a rather hectic year, my daughter and grandsons have hardly seen our Affenpinscher Tonto and never the newcomer, Icy. My oldest grandson (20 this month) especially hit it off with both dogs. It occurred to me tonight that he might be willing to stay at our (new) place with them in April during our cruise. We're close enough to not interfere with his job. That could be great for all of us. Cross your fingers folks.


