Inspired by Bob C and Jim L

Nice looking food, too bad it's being washed down with nasty beer.

You take such pride in your meat, take pride in your beer man!
quite a 1st post James...
it's not written anywhere, but it's out there: two things one should not criticize - a man's woman and a man's beer. ;)
beat me to it Jim!
haven't seen Tony's cook or beer for this post yet, but a man can drink whatever he pleases and shouldn't be criticized for it!
Whats wrong with Rolling Rock? Nice green cans, goes well with most meats. I'll drink some anytime.
Back at Ft Campbell, there was a red shack just outside the back gate that served good ol southern cookin. Every Thurs was pork steak day for lunch. I rarely missed a Thurs. I ordered mine with greens and fried okra. :)

Your plate, as always, looks spectacular my friend.
Perfect looking pork steaks and sides Tony!
would love to add peppers to my taters, but the Jo says no, since she's a card carrying member of the I Hate Peppers Club.

Love me some Rock every now and then too!

