Imagine If You Will.......


Bob H.

TVWBB Hall of Fame
That you have a friend about 61, always been a big guy, but not obese. He visits the doctor for a regular 6 month check up, and the doc tells him
not to eat any pork at all going forward. This is quite a shock to him to say the least. Usually you might expect to hear to cut back on red meat or
something to that effect. Think of that just cold turkey, no more pork. He is still kind of shocked by this but has chosen to obey the doc's "suggestion".
I am still trying to imagine how difficult this must be. And when he is ready to talk more about it to learn the reasons for the doc's idea. No more ribs,
no more chops, no more tenderloin, no more pulled pork........ has anyone ever heard of this kind of lifestyle with no pork for other than religious reasons?
People with compromised immune systems or pregnant women may want to abstain from pork to avoid parasitic disease, but then that only applies to undercooked pork. As a standalone diet suggestion, I find the doc's recommendations baffling. How is a lean center-cut pork loin worse for you than a skin-on chicken thigh? Keep us posted if you ever find out the reason.
No reason given by the O.P for the abstinence so anything offered on our part is pure speculation.

I found nothing as it relates to obesity. Yes, it's slow to be digested (leading to gas, toxicity in the digestive tract leading to blockages, etc) or some kinds of pathogens due to poor farming techniques but nothing related to being overweight (if that was the O.P. reason).
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I eat more smoked sausage and deli ham than anything else in the pork line.

I'd faint without it, although smoked chicken sausages are not bad either.
Never heard of that before. I asked my cardiologist about the bacon I make and pork in general and he said the bacon was much better than store bought and pork was fine in moderation as with anything else. Got to be something other than just weight.
Unless the physician gave the patient a valid reason, I'm with ChuckO - get a second opinion. Maybe the doc is an extremist when it comes to diet....
Most "big people" are obese, if not morbidly obese. They choose to believe otherwise. The amount of fat surrounding the intestines is much greater than far just below the skin. I'm talking many smoked sausage links hanging onto many feet of intestines, and organs dwarfed by the amount of fat that has engulfed them. I encourage your big friend to check out his bmi and body fat percentage, to gain a real perspective on his size.
Maybe the doc is an extremist when it comes to diet....

He's on the fringes! Unless the friend walked into the dr's office and made it seem he was on a pork-based diet.

The group of Dr.s I follow (John McDougall, T. Colin Campbell, et al.) recommend "plant based" which doesn't mean no meat (it does), but they say that it's fine to eat if came from the ground, a plant, or a tree. They also tend to group all animal products together and call Dairy (milk/cheese) "Liquid Meat".
find another doc

amen. if my doctor told me that i would want a detailed explanation. I feel like maybe we dont know all the details (which is ok , none of our biz , i guess :))
but , yeah. i would be jonesing like a junkie in about 48 hours.
He could be one of those peeps that don't do the (swine). Yea, I know, but some still think of it as a dirty animal, and if you do eat it you have to cook it till death to avoid trichinosis.( which has been a non -factor for awhile)
You'll have a far better chance of getting sick eating under cooked poultry vs a nice pink or slightly pink chop or loin.
Yea, I would get a second or third opinion.

What do they call the person that graduated first in their class from Medical School? "Doctor"

What do they call the person that graduated last in their class from Medical School?
I would definitely get a couple more doctors thoughts on this. It just doesn't sound right.
I would definitely get a couple more doctors thoughts on this. It just doesn't sound right.

Totally agree. Regardless of the merits of the blanket no-pork suggestion, any physician that leaves you scratching your head like that is not one I'd want to stick with.
What do they call the person that graduated first in their class from Medical School? "Doctor"

What do they call the person that graduated last in their class from Medical School?

"I'm like a struggling Doctor: No Patients"

~Fort Minor - High road (song lyric)
Bob H did say this:
"And when he is ready to talk more about it to learn the reasons for the doc's idea."

Hope Bob isn't the "friend"
I've never heard of anything like this.

Most Docs recommend eating red meat in moderation, etc. but cutting out pork entirely? That's a new one to me. I wonder if this has anything to do with that statement released by the WHO a few weeks ago saying the eating processed meat, and red meat daily increases one's risk of colon cancer? Maybe the doc is taking this too seriously?

I agree that he should get a second opinion, or just find another Doctor.

Unless there is a very compelling medical reason for this, cutting out pork completely just seems a bit to extreme.

I mean how can pork loin possibly be worse for you than a chicken breast when pork loin is actually leaner in fat??

