Imagine If You Will.......

Hi All,
It is thought that because pigs don't sweat that toxins build up in their bodies, and when we eat pork it causes inflammation in our bodies. Believe me I love my pork tenderloin and ribs, just giving you the info. So I don't know the extent or other health conditions of the person we are discussing but perhaps the physician had a valid reason for saying this?? I never heard of it either had to Google the info...Have a great day!
As you can see from the basic diagram below, pork is very bad for you contributing to one's life expectancy.


The numbers don't lie. Simple. :rolleyes:

Seriously, I have no idea why pork should be cut out completely from Bob's "friends" diet. Lean pork has less fat than chicken breast. Odd indeed.
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YYang said:
LOL but the negative association between pork and life expectancy is non significant! (p=0.45)
I see where your coming from sir. But I'm guessing you have failed to notice the (P<.01) correlation between Wealth & LifeExp. This then negates the (p=0.45) between Pork & LifeExp. This is a very common error when trying to decipher such a problem. Hope that helps. ;)

LOL! Did you jig that up yourself Tony, or actually find it somewhere?
I found it somewhere. And I have not an inkling of what it means!
I see where your coming from sir. But I'm guessing you have failed to notice the (P<.01) correlation between Wealth & LifeExp. This then negates the (p=0.45) between Pork & LifeExp. This is a very common error when trying to decipher such a problem. Hope that helps. ;)

Haha I'd like to quote renowned 20th century astrophysicist and world champion juggler Winston Churchill, who once said "science is whatever you want it to be."
Bob H did say this:
"And when he is ready to talk more about it to learn the reasons for the doc's idea."

Hope Bob isn't the "friend"
No, thankfully Bob isn't the friend. But he has spoken and
wishes to go on with his life without further discussion of that topic. So I offered a couple of Chicago style all beef Vienna
hot dogs and life goes on. He is a lifelong friend since the 5th grade, can't throw that away.
Have to respect that! Unusual prognosis for sure.

I just had 1.5 pastrami sandwiches so while they weren't pork they're cured - I've had one foot in the grave since birth anyway :)

