I will just leave this here

I saw somebody selling an old Genesis on CL or some such and it all came in a big box
There are a few out there. Someone around me had a still new after 20 years Genesis Silver C that he wanted $650 for. It was for sale for a very long time. I don't know if the seller gave up or finally found a buyer. Really it was a way better grill than anything new you could buy for that amount.
Yes I posted that one months ago. I have it saved and it taunts me lol. There is also a Jr. In Oregon just out of my range for now. I may just make the trip some day if it's still available. Jon I really want 1 or 2 more. Someday I may show up at your place to buy your Red one. Ideally I'd like to get a black lid Jr. Since I already have a red one. Or I may just make an offer on that NOS black Jr. on eBay and have it shipped. Or see is @Paul Warner will sell me one.
@Josh Dekubber good luck with that idea!!!!
I know the Holland regular gas grills have a pretty good reputation. I have never seen one of these portable versions before.

The biggest issue with the Holland IIRC was rust through as it was just a plain painted/powder coated steel fire box. Some were made of SS though which I believe that Companion is
Yah, not sure if that is a 12# tank or a 5# tank. I had never heard of a 12 lber before. But it does look like a cool little grill.
The Holland Grill essentially does overall indirect cooking not altogether unlike most pellet grills that have a heat shield. I think it would shine doing barbecue chicken.
They do shine on chicken. Honestly the Holland does some very nice Q. I remember many years ago, my propane dealer in Belvidere was a Holland dealer and they had a "meat" and greet to show off the new line. Nothing no matter how hard they tried would flare or burn, even a steak that had been purposely over cooked stayed juicy and tender rather than becoming an old shoe. Very impressive grills
Yeah --- I can't decide whether a Smokefire for $100 is a good deal or a money pit/heap.....
I'm betting if its kept to <300-350 it would probably be fine....?....? Gas for high heat.

