I will just leave this here

Jim, you gotta have one of these then. I remember spending hours downloading all of my CDs to iTunes so that I could put them on this iPod. I thought this was the greatest thing ever invented. I still have this iPod, but I can't find the charging cord for it. I kind of want to listen to it again if it still works.View attachment 108487
Yeah --- still got mine! I still use it on flights 'just because'....
I'm amazed that the battery still takes a charge!!!!!

Remember how once or twice a week iTunes would update and lock up your Pentium4 computer for 5-10 minutes?
And the CONSTANT 'Checking for Updates' five times or more a day....

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Cheep SS 13 flav bar for classic deep box Genesis for $9.99
Buy 2 sets and get another 5% off

onlyfire Stainless Steel Flavorizer Bars Gas Grill Heat Plates Replacement for Weber 7538, Set of 13, 8 Short and 5 Long Bars https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B1Q61TPW?tag=tvwb-20

View attachment 108281
I received my two sets of these today and I took out one of the short ones. It is exactly the same length and exactly the same width as the RCPlanebuyer flavorizer bars that I have on my personal grill. They are pretty thick, but probably not quite 16 ga thick. They are magnetic.
For ten bucks a set, it is a no-brainer.
I received my two sets of these today and I took out one of the short ones. It is exactly the same length and exactly the same width as the RCPlanebuyer flavorizer bars that I have on my personal grill. They are pretty thick, but probably not quite 16 ga thick. They are magnetic.
For ten bucks a set, it is a no-brainer.
That's excellent Bruce! I'm glad to hear that! Some of these chinese companies had really really bad reviews back when they first started coming out with these part. Some of the review pictures were horrific. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't consistently the same size. Steve may have got his from a bad batch. I feel like they are getting better and for the most part it's kind of impressive in a way what you get for the price.
Yah, and it is even getting tough just to find offerings for the Genesis 1000 parts any more. My guess is that they are likely selling off their remaining stock and will no longer offer then going forward once they run out.

While they are Chinesium products, I have been happy with everything I have ordered from OnlyFire.
Interesting. Any idea roughly how old it is?
I bought what was it's twin back when wife and I moved from Albany Park in Chicago to Jefferson Park. Place we rented had a nice yard, nice neighborhood. Lots of police and fire personnel around. So it was VERY safe. No need to worry about it being stolen :D. I think I bought it in 86 or 87. I kept it all the way through when we moved out here in 92, then when I bought the Genesis, it went into the back yard as our "yard party" grill. Eventually I brought it up to MN to my father in law's lake place near St Cloud and we used the snot out of it there. When he died in 2005, I did not feel like bringing it back even though it was still in great shape and cooked fantastic. (I modded it with my "convection Heat Tubes" and I have to say it cooked GREAT. I'd even given to my buddy from England when he moved here. He used it like crazy until he got a Genesis and gave it back to me.
For all I know it might still be cooking away
I received my two sets of these today and I took out one of the short ones. It is exactly the same length and exactly the same width as the RCPlanebuyer flavorizer bars that I have on my personal grill. They are pretty thick, but probably not quite 16 ga thick. They are magnetic.
For ten bucks a set, it is a no-brainer.
I got two of the 4 sets I ordered. I really think they are very decent. For 10 bucks, like you said, a no-brainer. Two more on the way - glad I ordered when I could. I think I am set for a good long time.
Odd...... I saw that they were 'unavailable' yesterday.... and now they are back in stock....?.....?
It was also pointed out that it said 'only 8 left in stock' - which I saw - but even that was removed 4-5 days ago....
I took apart and cleaned up my bench grinder that I picked up the other day. Also just installed wire wheel and buffering/polishing wheel. It's too late to try it out with my family sleeping but tomorrow I will give it a go. Then bolt it to one of my benches.

@Jon Tofte it had a ton of grease on top of paint over spray. I tried a couple sample spots to make sure that it didn't remove the writing on the placard. Between Goof Off and Gumout brake and parts cleaner. It came pretty clean. Then I went over it with meguiar's rubbing compound followed by meguiar's wax. I considered repainting it, but decided I like the patina of the old hammered paint.

