I will just leave this here

I splurged on a folding device recently (Google pixel) it's fantastic hardware and software but still unsure of the whole concept tbh. Engineering wise it's a marvelous piece of kit!
My wife actually loves her Galaxy V Flip 5 everything except the cameras. My understanding is this new Motorola coming out (as well as the new Flip 7) will have improved cameras.
Really the only real thing is on them (the Samsungs at least) is the screen protector over the folding screen needs to absolutely be there and needs regular replacement (about yearly)
My wife actually loves her Galaxy V Flip 5 everything except the cameras. My understanding is this new Motorola coming out (as well as the new Flip 7) will have improved cameras.
Really the only real thing is on them (the Samsungs at least) is the screen protector over the folding screen needs to absolutely be there and needs regular replacement (about yearly)
It seems with all the bendy phones the cameras are compromised compared to the slab phones. Sort of tempted with the flip phones but they were marketed towards the ladies so went for the jumbo macho folder!!
I did a super huge geek dive into phones when I got my new one..... two sites that will tell you what is going on with the hardware......
This one for phone specs
and this one for processor specs

Its amazing that the new phone that was released in october of last year and I got just after xmas is already 'out dated'......

There is a point where the phones and their capabilities are 'more than fast enough for what I will actually use it for' and after that its just wasted on us peons.

The leaps in processors has just been UNREAL for the last 3-4 years. And something I've learned -- the camera modules tend to be the same...... its the processing in the chip that makes the real difference. If you never saw them side by side ---- you'd never care.... you'd be happy with what you got cause you wouldn't know it 'could' be better.
My wife crossed me over to the iPhone darkside about 7-8 years ago. I HATED it for the first two months after being a Samsung loyalist prior.

There’s been pros and cons, but I’ve learned (kinda) how these things work and I’m not changing. When I’ve upgraded, I always get the phone that’s 2 models old because I don’t need the latest and greatest.
So far I've been in their environment for long enough moving away would be difficult. But I like their electronics and their devices
Understand. I had a couple of Samsung phones in a row before I got the Motorola. It took a little getting used to, but like this one better for the most part than previous Samsung phones. That doesn't mean I wouldn't go back to a Samsung next time either. I tend to look for the most bang for low bucks out of this stuff.
My wife crossed me over to the iPhone darkside about 7-8 years ago. I HATED it for the first two months after being a Samsung loyalist prior.

There’s been pros and cons, but I’ve learned (kinda) how these things work and I’m not changing. When I’ve upgraded, I always get the phone that’s 2 models old because I don’t need the latest and greatest.
Going to an iPhone is probably the one thing I wouldn't entertain at this point. For me, the value just isn't there. Plus, I like having the big 6.8" screen that my current phone has.
I use to do a lot of landscape photography very deep in the mountains. When used to full potential phone cameras can do pretty good. Can't wait to see how this one does. I almost dropped $10k on a Sony with a couple lenses just to get started. I'm kind of glad I didn't. Too big and bulky and fragile for mountain climbing.
You pay the Apple 'stupid tax'. Just look at the reviews for the 16e that is the replacement for the SE4.....
I swore off Apple after iTunes messed up my computers for so many years...... Yeah - I hold a grudge.
I’ve been happy with my phones since learning how they operate. I wouldn’t go out and tell anyone to ditch their current phone to get one, but I also wouldn’t call it a “stupid tax” for someone having one.
I swore off Apple after iTunes messed up my computers for so many years...... Yeah - I hold a grudge.
Jim, you gotta have one of these then. I remember spending hours downloading all of my CDs to iTunes so that I could put them on this iPod. I thought this was the greatest thing ever invented. I still have this iPod, but I can't find the charging cord for it. I kind of want to listen to it again if it still works.IMG_20250307_235112597.jpg
Back when we had the total eclipse of the sun, for s&*ts giggles and grins I used my then S22 Ultra and made a jury rigged setup using those eclipse glasses you could buy at most stores. I placed one lens over the camera and shot the eclipse. Showed those photos no one could believe I was using my phone. They were actually pretty incredible.
While I never tried it I'd also seen photos people had done of the moon using the 200x telephoto setting and a tripod. Really incredible. One day I may see if I can pull off something like that as well. I've tried doing it handheld. No way Jose'
My daughter works in an AT&T store and the Google Pixel rep offered to give her an new Pixel (I think v9) to use for free. She was an Iphone user for years and has dealt with my and customer's various phones through her job. She loves the Pixel and sold her Iphone 15 Pro Max.

