I will just leave this here

Only Because they are 8 Hours Away

Some current and typical black Oklahoma offerings (maybe not real typical, since they look somewhat clean):


Columbia MO:


My wife stresses out enough when I drive across town to buy something. She would require hospitalization if I went that far...:)
I would drive a fair distance for that green one for only $25.

I would guess that your area would be a tough one to get fair prices for nicely rehabbed grills.
Both of the Mo grills are 2-3 hours away from my front door. If they were closer I would
likely grab them, but I already have a half dozen similar that I'n having trouble trying to find
the time to rehab and Jon is correct. It is tough to get fair prices even once they are rehabbed
around here.

It is a cool, retro-looking handle and the only one that directly fits the older Webers. When upgraded with LED bulbs it does a great job.

It is a cool, retro-looking handle and the only one that directly fits the older Webers. When upgraded with LED bulbs it does a great job.

Thanks, I really like the look of your skyline with the handle and black knobs, so I've scavenged a pair of late silver a's for knobs and will grab a handle somewhere:)

$105 to Norway:rolleyes:

Parts supply is a challenge for me, I buy my stuff from american websites and have it shipped by boat to save some money. Takes a month or so to get anything. Took about 6 weeks to get my chainsaw from the US;)

Its this one, right?
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That sure isn't "economy shipping":( I am sorry that you have to pay so much!

Look forward to seeing the progress on your grill. I do like the black knobs and I agree they go well with that handle light. I got my light for $10 from our organization's thrift store. I knew there would be the right grill for it, and my Skyline was it!

For my own use I am not above spray-painting parts with satin black paint intended for plastic. Maybe if you clear coat on top of that it would last a decent amount of time, but no paint on plastic is likely to survive rough scrubbing that knobs eventually require.
That's a Weber Silver C. The light handle is an add on accessory (Weber 9057) and is hard to find nowadays. It pops up from time to time on Ebay.
Oh man. That shipping is a nightmare. Jon from Norway: you are a dedicated soul! Good on you! Wow, I would not be able to accept shipping charges like those!



