I will just leave this here


Ok, question about a side control Genesis 300 series ( like the blue one pictured above )

Does the left hand side table remove easily?

I've never collected a side control 300 series, and I think with both side tables on it would be too wide to transport.

asking for a friend ;)
The “sidewinder” 300 series has side frames with welded in right angle extensions that support the shelves. You can remove the shelves, but you won’t end up with a narrow grill like you do with a front control grill where the shelves just clip on.

View attachment 68273
Translated is says (from the top):
Buy a campaign grill get a free pizza stone, no extra cost! (Value 139 $ included shipping)
Suitable for gas grills
59 $ incl. tax and customs. Not included shipping
The “sidewinder” 300 series has side frames with welded in right angle extensions that support the shelves. You can remove the shelves, but you won’t end up with a narrow grill like you do with a front control grill where the shelves just clip on.
Thanks Jon. I delayed long enough for someone else to buy it. I really don't need any more projects.
I'll bet it wasn't fun driving that truck through the mountains in Tennessee.
Actually, besides a little bit of adventure in Atlanta, the hardest part was getting through Chatanooga with a lot of traffic and road construction at the time. I set a personal record of driving straight through from Gainesville FL to here in Indiana - about 18 hours.
The traffic around Atlanta has been brutal every time I've driven through there. You made great time considering you were driving a box truck. My best time was about 20 hours from Orlando to basically O'Hare airport.
That’s way better time than I made. I started a good hour further north and ended three plus hours south. I was just proud to stay awake 18 hours driving solo!
I did San Antonio to SE Minnesota when I was in my early 20's in 24 hrs...but that was back when the speed limits were 55mph.
I did San Antonio to SE Minnesota when I was in my early 20's in 24 hrs...but that was back when the speed limits were 55mph.
Boy those were the days. Back then the cops were writing you at anything over 60. Now the limits are 70 typically and they won't even put their donuts down for people flying by them at 90+!
Boy those were the days. Back then the cops were writing you at anything over 60. Now the limits are 70 typically and they won't even put their donuts down for people flying by them at 90+!
I remember getting a $5 fuel conservation ticket in Nevada in the late 70s or early 80s. I wish I kept the ticket.

