I will just leave this here

Yes, my yard is now filling up with grills and I don't like it. I'm going to need to get these given away or sold. My wife was lovely about it this morning. Once again, very sweet and non-plussed, but I don't like our place starting to look like a junkyard.
That would make a nice workshop too but not for $4200. But, if that guy is going to help me load it UNDER my trailer, I think I will find alternate help.
No, all way too complex. Just gonna have to step back from the insanity. Taking apart and storing one frame. Plan to use one grill for parts and get the other two fixed up well enough to give away or sell. And of course get my two and my friend's hybrid ship-shape.
At one point I had three silver Cs so I stripped them down and stacked the fireboxes and lids and covered them with a BBQ cover I had. Looked better than three old rundown grills in the yard. The frame pieces and shelves got shoved in nooks and crannies in the shed.
I went the freestanding shed route. It supports my grill hobby / habit nicely even if it makes zero financial sense. I guess I could smoke, drink, or gamble my money away instead. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to light up a Partagas, pour another vodka cran, and place a couple of online wagers on tonight’s NHL action.

That is clearly a Smokefire prototype. It will probably be worth millions in 20 years.

That certainly looks like a butchered up red head lid. I wonder how cutting that up went and would be very interested to know how it is holding up.
With the exception of a logo and possibly a thermometer, I don't think any Webers were harmed in the making of this smoker. That rolled bead across the top of the red panel gives it away as something else having been repurposed.
Hmmm, I kinda thought that the top edge of the panel was the normally bottom edge of the front of a Red head lid. I could be wrong.
It’s poorly thought out, it should have a separate firebox, can’t see an air vent. To pay $1000. Dollars for a homemade horizontal drum smoker without seeing how well it functions would be a large risk.
I am pretty sure the Summit grates will not fit that grill. That is a 2011-2016 S-3xx grill. They are different than the old Silver B/C and Genesis 1000-5000 grills.
I am pretty sure the Summit grates will not fit that grill. That is a 2011-2016 S-3xx grill. They are different than the old Silver B/C and Genesis 1000-5000 grills.
Thanks. I don't want the grill. Was wondering if i might want the grates. But if they don't fit the older 1000/Silver lines, there's no point.

