I will just leave this here

My approach is different than the majority of those here. I’m not a “hobbyist”, a grill to me, is a tool. I rescued my Summit Platinum because I saw my opportunity to add a large heavy duty grill to my inventory without breaking the bank. I often cook for 40 plus guests through catering, vending or BBQ classes. I’m not necessarily a gas grill fan, but since that is where most outdoor cooking now begins, I felt compelled to include gas grilling and have a new found appreciation for them.I also have a Broil King Regal Pro 490S. I believe the repairs that I made to the cookbox will last my lifetime and I will need to address the flavorizer bar issue further down the road. I surely appreciate all of the help, and the wealth of knowledge in this forum and thanks to all for sharing.
Look at the front portion of the fire box. They rot out where the burners come through to the control panel. Allowing flames and extreme heat to directly hit the manifold contributing to an unsafe condition. If not rotted or if you can reconstruct it they're fine cooking grills. The flavorizer bars though are horribly expensive thanks to the redesign of there the Xover tubes are.
My approach is different than the majority of those here. I’m not a “hobbyist”, a grill to me, is a tool. I rescued my Summit Platinum because I saw my opportunity to add a large heavy duty grill to my inventory without breaking the bank. I often cook for 40 plus guests through catering, vending or BBQ classes. I’m not necessarily a gas grill fan, but since that is where most outdoor cooking now begins, I felt compelled to include gas grilling and have a new found appreciation for them.I also have a Broil King Regal Pro 490S. I believe the repairs that I made to the cookbox will last my lifetime and I will need to address the flavorizer bar issue further down the road. I surely appreciate all of the help, and the wealth of knowledge in this forum and thanks to all for sharing.
Makes a lot of sense. If I were ever cooking for a lot of people, I'd be tempted to do something with the Summit.
Look at the front portion of the fire box. They rot out where the burners come through to the control panel. Allowing flames and extreme heat to directly hit the manifold contributing to an unsafe condition. If not rotted or if you can reconstruct it they're fine cooking grills. The flavorizer bars though are horribly expensive thanks to the redesign of there the Xover tubes are.
I'll post some photos. Perhaps you can help me assess its condition.


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With this Summit, I'm not even sure what I'm looking at so I just took a bunch of photos. Looks like a hunk of junk to me but perhaps I'm just ignorant of its charms. I would consider it a favor if you would help me understand what I've got here. Thanks. IMG_20220215_134411.jpgIMG_20220215_134407.jpgIMG_20220215_134353.jpgIMG_20220215_134415.jpgIMG_20220215_134413.jpgIMG_20220215_134315.jpgIMG_20220215_134338.jpgIMG_20220215_134334.jpgIMG_20220215_134343.jpgIMG_20220215_134313.jpg
Well other than being pretty well roached out and flavorizer bars history. It looks like it could be rescued. But you have LOTS of work there and LOTS of $$$$ to spend on it. Just the flavo bars are likely to run close to $300
You either have a project, or most likely a nice stainless steel cabinet to repurpose. I wouldn’t pass it on to a friend that I liked.
These are the areas on the front of the cook box that you find the problems. If you look on the inside, it probably looks worse and if you look on the inside where the burners come through into the cook box, those opening and right above them will probably be rotted out as well. You might see some of the same on the back of the cook box near each burner end as well.

I love that term, "roached out". Thanks for that, Larry. It's gonna work its way into my grill lexicon. Feel like I'm back in high school -- or rather, behind the high school by the railroad tracks. Good times.

I appreciate the feedback from the three of you -- Larry, Bill and Bruce. Based on what I'm hearing, safe to say I've got some five star grates (the purpose of this venture), a couple of side tables for Samuel, a wonderful stainless steel frame to repurpose (perhaps with a 13 bar 1000 box) and a bunch of miscellaneous spare parts. Was sure nice to have an extra spring the other day when I was lubing valves on the Platinum.
Special shout out to Bruce, who went above and beyond to get me this blue hood. The thing was wrapped so carefully and nicely, it was a true thing of beauty. Cutting the box open felt a bit wrong.

The lid itself is gorgeous. Have to paint some end caps and get a handle ready. Can't wait to get to work on it.

That's my 7 year old son in the background; excuse the laundry on the couch (I'm sure my wife would prefer I not post this photo but, hey, it's just us guys).

What grill are you going to put that on Roy
Both the blue lid and your control panel plate go on the Platinum. The 2000 gets the burgundy hood (which is my next favorite color so far). I've seen photos of some of the brown lids. The color swatch makes them look like they should be gorgeous but the photos of actual lids on grills didn't seem to quite measure up.
Glad I could make everyone's day. :D And yes Bruce does come through. On the firebox area it's not "burned through" so perhaps it can be cleaned up. But you got a crap tom of $$$ to invest on flavo bars. So honestly I would not waste my "roach" funds on it :D
Glad I could make everyone's day. :D And yes Bruce does come through. On the firebox area it's not "burned through" so perhaps it can be cleaned up. But you got a crap tom of $$$ to invest on flavo bars. So honestly I would not waste my "roach" funds on it :D
No worries there. Not happening. Will have to invest in a run to the dump after I've repurposed the frame and saved whatever parts might be useful on a Genesis project.

