I give up!

Same boat here, a few Latino markets and ONE actual butcher (box beef not hanging) is the norm. Real butchers with expertise are, sadly, a dying breed. It’s forty to eighty miles for a “parking house” but even they seem to be persnickety about cutting some cuts!
I can find pretty decent pork but nothing ”skin on” for some crazy reason!
Lengua I can,
2-have eaten from the Victorian history of my grandmother.
Cabeza, is there a cheap Dutch version (not including Souse, head cheese, etc?)
Buche, around here is a Christmas cake (see above)
The thing that amazes me is that being between the Persian community in Detroit and the even more ethnically diverse food world in Chicago, the Ridiculous Gustatory desert falls right in my lap!
To quote Arthel “Doc” Watson…
“Life gets ”Tedjus” don’t it!?”
So, I have now tried multiple times on 2 different smokers to do a chuckie. Worked on this one today since about 1230. Flavor? Outstanding! Eating quality? Awful. Not as awful as the others but awful. I've gotten better but don't want to serve this. Ugh. WTH is the issue for me? I see these people on YouTube turning out chuckies like crazy and they're all great. Don't know what I am doing wrong. I can do brisket and many other things with no trouble. I guess I will save chucks for pressure cooking, pot roast what have you
Chuck is junk not sure why you would expect a result that better meat would give you on a smoker.
Lengua I can,
2-have eaten from the Victorian history of my grandmother.
Cabeza, is there a cheap Dutch version (not including Souse, head cheese, etc?)
Buche, around here is a Christmas cake (see above)
The thing that amazes me is that being between the Persian community in Detroit and the even more ethnically diverse food world in Chicago, the Ridiculous Gustatory desert falls right in my lap!
To quote Arthel “Doc” Watson…
“Life gets ”Tedjus” don’t it!?”

Both are very common in CA.
It's not the cost bothering me. It's even if I only buy a small point or flat, it's still WAY too much. I need to find a smaller cut of beef, I can cook on a smoke yet small enough I don't feel I filled the freezer or we're eating leftovers for a month of Sundays.
I’ve talked to a few people who like to slow cook Tri-tip roasts just like they would a brisket. Generally, it has enough fat that it’s much easier than cooking a small brisket flat and has fantastic flavor.
I have had good luck with a long smoke to the stall and a wrap at about 165. Pull it at 190 and give it a good rest. It will slice.
when I have tried to go closer to 200 that is when I have run into problems…

Both are very common in CA.
Common for you, not so much here in the hinterlands, the Latin market down the street could probably fill the need but, I’ve never seen either cabeza or Buche. Truth to tell, never really looked specifically either.

