i feel so much better

Even better - I ain't got no FB, Ittertwae, or Yspacemae page.
If I ever get to feeling ambitious - I would create a Website / Blog based on biting criticism (but funny) of stuff that I feel needs it.

The site would be "Stuff Ron doesn't give a *&#! about"
Near the top would be all things Kardashian...
Even better - I ain't got no FB, Ittertwae, or Yspacemae page.
If I ever get to feeling ambitious - I would create a Website / Blog based on biting criticism (but funny) of stuff that I feel needs it.

The site would be "Stuff Ron doesn't give a *&#! about"
Near the top would be all things Kardashian...
Pammi and my whole family are on FB. Not me. I like the irreverance of Twitter. No time for feelings or seriousness. Lets get silly!!! :p
Unfortunately I'm on FB everyday.
Thankfully there are gentlemen like Jim Lampe that bring us back to reality.
If we did a leaf burn down here, the whole state would go up in flames...
Unfortunately I'm on FB everyday.
Thankfully there are gentlemen like Jim Lampe that bring us back to reality.
If we did a leaf burn down here, the whole state would go up in flames...
ya know sumpin' Bob....? There is always that THING about YOU that i LIKE.
You're good ****.

I burned some leaves this weekend. I ended up giving up eyebrows as a result of the experience. Probably shouldn't have added the spruce cuttings to the fire pit.

No Facebook, twitter, no texting or any other social media. Don't even have a smart phone just a dumb flip phone with a 15 minuet a month plan and I have never exceeded it. No tablet just a desktop computer. The best part is I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

Leaf burning would probably get you 20 to life here.
Yeah did away with FB quite awhile back got on it because of family got off partially for the same reason as for the leaf burning, don't even try it in my neighborhood, one of my neighbors had a little fire to burn some shrubs and branches that he had hacked down and within minutes 2 fire trucks showed up and dowsed it told him ya can't do it in the city.
I love in your facebook. lol... Because can say what you want & mean. American freedom of speech at its finest no censorship.

