I copied Solak's Chicken Mole


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
when i saw John's Post, i knew i was gonna make it.
bought boneless/skinless legs and thighs from the Supermercado El Rey, then marinated it in Wicker's over night.
On the 26"OTG with red peppers and diced onions in the foil


apple and hickory wood for smoke flavour....



As John did, got the meat to 165ºF then using the same Mole sauce, poured it over the shé~cone.


with the peppers on the sauce....


covered it and back on the grill for another 30 or 40 minutes.


using a cast iron skillet, large tortillas were heated...


when the meat was cooked, i shredded it . . .


and served it as tacos topped with the onions and cilantro with a little remain Pico de Gallo from the other day.


please excuse my sloppy plate, the serving spoon fell outta my hand over the two wrapped...
i wasn't trying to make it look fancy :\


these were GREAT! and John, that sauce it pretty daggum good! Much better than other pastes i've tried.
We'll be making these more often, they're real EZ
Thanks for visiting
Looks great!!! I never thought to make a burrito out of it before, we just serve mole over some rice and beans. I'm gonna have to try that next time.That mole sauce is our current favorite. I am always on the look out for a better mole sauce though.
Well since two of my favorite forum posters like this sauce and since Jim's plate looks SO GOOD, I'm gonna have to hunt down that sauce!
Looks so darn good and easy to make! Great job, and thanks for sharing, Jim! Definitely on the list of upcoming cooks.
It's kind of like PSB, just substitute mole for stout and chicken for beef. Looks like you can't go wrong!

