How Would You Discourage Coyotes From Entering Your Back Yard?

Yep, a coyote can clear a 6' fence easier than I can step over an extension cord on the floor. Just look at the length of their legs compared to their scrawny body size.
I don't have pets. But, darn little critters like Chippies and so on are a total nuisance and create hundreds of $$$ to my home and outbuilding over the years. So I welcome seeing any predator in my yard (Coyote, Hawk, Bald Eagles, Fox) They're all welcome here :D
Couldn't answer your question as they don't present an issue here. When our dog is out for his daily walks or trail runs, coyotes always move aside/cross to the other side of the road. Then again, he's larger than they. Just one of the advantages of a 100 plus pound German Shepard...
We've got coyotes everywhere see them walking down the middle of the street all the time. The new problem is Gray wolfs, they were introduced to eastern AZ years ago, now some have been spotted in our area which is fairly rural with lots of large cattle ranches. The severe drought has them looking for food and water closer to populated areas. So far, no reports of any problems just sightings, hope it stays that way.
They are a lot shyer than coyotes.
I take care of things like that the old school way. I have a double barrel 410 Stevens shotgun that sits year round by the sliding door to the back yard. A year ago I shot 8 skunks. No coyotes they know better than to come too close. 3 inch shot shells with 6 shot works real well. I encounter a few coyotes & bears when hiking up in the forest. For this I carry the Colorado Governor a Smith & Wesson Governor that is. The Governor shoots 2.5 shot shells & you can also add in 45 long Colt. You know for snakes & such. Weather they crawl or walk on 2 legs. The 410 shot shell shoots a 41 caliber hollow point slug. Followed by 2 31 caliber hardened steel ball bearings. Oh my wouldn't want to be in front of that in the short distance when going off. Follow that up by a 87 grain 45 hollow point round, well, just because. Around here coyotes run, they don't hang around. And I plan on keeping it that way.
I have a ton of coyotes in my city neighborhood adjacent to a park.

In addition to getting rid of attractants, I set up a couple motion activated sprinklers in my yard. Primarily it was to keep raccoons from rolling up my new lawn, but it worked better at discouraging the coyotes. They rarely hang out in my lawn now.
I take care of things like that the old school way. I have a double barrel 410 Stevens shotgun that sits year round by the sliding door to the back yard. A year ago I shot 8 skunks. No coyotes they know better than to come too close. 3 inch shot shells with 6 shot works real well. I encounter a few coyotes & bears when hiking up in the forest. For this I carry the Colorado Governor a Smith & Wesson Governor that is. The Governor shoots 2.5 shot shells & you can also add in 45 long Colt. You know for snakes & such. Weather they crawl or walk on 2 legs. The 410 shot shell shoots a 41 caliber hollow point slug. Followed by 2 31 caliber hardened steel ball bearings. Oh my wouldn't want to be in front of that in the short distance when going off. Follow that up by a 87 grain 45 hollow point round, well, just because. Around here coyotes run, they don't hang around. And I plan on keeping it that way.
Can't shoot in city limits, otherwise...........

