How often do you Barbeque?


Ryan Gala

TVWBB Member
Since I got my WSM and OTG I have been grilling or barbecuing 2 to three times a week. Usually pork butt or steaks. Just wondering how often you guys are firing up the chimney. My fiancé thinks I'm crazy and tells me she is tired of BBQ. I'm staring to honestly feel a little fatter but it tastes so good. Maybe I need to find some healthier recipes.
5 times a week...
smoke something every weekend...

If "she is tired of BBQ"... good thing she's ONLY your "fiancé".

Depends on the schedule (work, kids, etc.), but Spring through Fall, I'm usually averaging 4 times a week (gotta get through all those bags of charcoal, ya know!!!) During Winter (rough here in California), I usually cut back to....about.....4 times a week.

On the belt tightening thing.....mix in some fish, chicken, lean pork, etc. and use BBQ as your incentive to exercise more (i.e.: one more mile = two more ribs....)

Since my work commute is around 1:15 each way, my cooks are relegated to the weekends. I maximize those cooks as much as possible, especially since I bought my WSM last month.
During the winter I smoke just about every weekend. Not as much in the Summer, always seem to be running around somewhere on the weekends, kayaking, hiking etc. Been about a month since my last one. Going to fire her up again this week for a brisket,'s good to be on vacation.
During the Summer I have a barbecue about once a month. I've been trying to smoke more frequently, but with only my wife and I it's hard to justify cooking all that food.

As for grilling we grill about once every two weeks or so. I wish I had a charcoal grill, I might do it more often, but for the most part I don't really like my gaser.
Originally posted by Kyle H.:
, but with only my wife and I it's hard to justify cooking all that food.


Same thing here. Just me and my son eat BBQ. I end up bring half of it to work. Except for ribs, those we finish off in no time. But 8-9lbs of butt or brisket is another story. You can only eat so much of it.....
I do alot of grilling. probably 3-4x m-f and def am doing something over the weekend. Not every meal is something spectacular. grill alot of chicken/brats/burgers during the week. Our AC needs to be recharged so Im hessitant to cook indoors until I get it fixed.
Cooking for meals is usually once or twice a week. This weekend I'm going to try a top round just so SWMBO can get the sliced beef she loves. I'm probably also do some ABTs as my jap bush has been working overtime.

I try to get at least two competition test cooks in a week depending on the meat being worked on. Lately it's been chicken. I'll cook three or four thighs at a time to try out slightly different things. It's amazing how a very slight change can affect taste/tenderness so I do it over and over and over and over..... Man, I really hate chicken.

Grilling and smoking together, about 2-3 times a week Spring though Fall. Over the winter, just a handful of times. I'm a wimp and don't usually want to grill below freezing.
I smoke more in the winter and grill more in the summer.

When I smoke, it's usually on the weekends and I smoke something substantial that my wife and I can enjoy during the week. I always smoke way more than we can eat so there will be enough for freezing/leftovers.

During the summer, I grill maybe 3-4 nights a week......usually quickies like burgers/dogs/sausages.

My wife likes anything grilled or smoked.
Spring and fall usually grill 2-3x/week with a smoke every other weekend. Winter I smoke more/grill less. Summer I do both less but will smoke more meat per time than usual. Summer schedule is busier so less time to cook and more need of leftovers.
Not as much as I would like to. I grill at least 2 times per week and smoke everyother weekend. Between work wife and kid I find that the grill is great for quick meals during the week, I can fire up the chimney starter and get all the prep done while I wait. I like to smoke something on the weekends to relax from the week, an overnight smoke is the only time I get to be alone and decompres. On vacation I cook out at least 2 meals aday, weather be ****ed.

