How often do you Barbeque?

I use my grill 2 to 3 times a week and the smoker maybe twice a month. A little more in the summer and a little less in the winter. In the summer it is a great way to not heat up the house when cooking. Because my wife and I both work we like to cook a big roast or a lot of chicken parts on Sunday so we can not cook again until Wednesday. This cuts down on the number of times I need to fire up the grill.

A nice beef or pork roast in the performer over inderect heat is a great alternative to low and slow bbq. You can add some wood chunks to get a little smokey flavor or not to get some variety. I am not the biggest fish fan but I am learing to cook that also and it adds some additional variety.

Get a good grill cook book there is a huge variety of things you can cook on a grill or smoker other then butt and steak.
Grill @ 2-3 times a week from May - September. Almost a year old son now (wow) and work schedule in summer keeps me pretty busy (outdoor furniture/bbq retail). I just sit bleary eyed at 8 at night after boy goes down with a fresh CL and the flames hitting whatever meat is on Lucy.

Fall - Spring is my prime smoking time, when I get to take time and prepare/cook/smoke on my Thursday off. Usually every week.

Wish I had time to do something different every night, love the outdoors.....
Probably about once a week right now, but if I get a OTG like I plan to that number will go way up. Love my WSM, but I tend to make way too much food with each cook, so we have a lot of leftovers.
Only when im not working
Since I got my WSM on Father's Day, I've smoked every weekend.

And I grill at least two to three tims per week.


