How many habaneros is too many?

Could you post the recipe?
I got loads of habanero's in my garden!
Actually, Madam Jeanette's, but they are of a similar hotness
UPDATE: So, I charred up six roma tomatoes, skinned them, blended the pulp and juice (no seeds), added lime juice, then three tablespoons of the habanero salsa. I ended up with a spicy, but nicely balanced tomato salsa that went really well with the carne asada we had last night. Victory!
Could you post the recipe?
I got loads of habanero's in my garden!
Actually, Madam Jeanette's, but they are of a similar hotness
Anne, @Michael Richards reposted the link above to the Serious Eats recipe. My jalapeños and anchos just started to fruit (first year plants), though not as much as I was expecting.....

The first time I ever had a habanero was in high school. No one had ever heard of them and buddy of mine's dad was into gourmet and asian food and what not. I thought I was pretty tough with jalapenos and hot sauce. That habanero lit me up! We'd dare each other to eat them. It was a good time.
Was at the fresh veggie stand near the road and they have lots of good things.
Picked up 6 habanero's, you know because 2 didn't sound like enough.........:LOL:
These were grown right there by the owners, the daughter who runs the cash register was very serious about how hot they were.
She said it gave her dad the hiccups........not sure but it sounds funny.
Then she tried to tell me about the heat scale ( Scoville ) and then said jalapeno was 1000 and that these were 200,000.
So I know they are hot ( she worries about me :cautious: ) but she was off by a bit.
I haven't had hot dogs in over 5 years and my co worker doesn't stop talking about them so I am thinking about making dogs this weekend.
With gourmet toppings of course.
Like that song about Kraft dinner and the Dijon ketchup.....;)
Possibly my queso again, this time I will try some fire roasted veggies in it maybe.
lots of fresh relishes, including some of the habanero's for sure!

Just for fun!

