How many bags of Rancher?

I'm new to the forum, what is the diff in kingsford and rancher. I bought some cowboy lump at bass pro that I thought I would try. I'm cooking five 7.5 lb (about) butts tonight. While I have cooked alot of pig over the years this is my 5th or 6th cook on the wsm. Tonight will be kingsford.
Originally posted by Bruce Rich:
I'm new to the forum, what is the diff in kingsford and rancher. I bought some cowboy lump at bass pro that I thought I would try. I'm cooking five 7.5 lb (about) butts tonight. While I have cooked alot of pig over the years this is my 5th or 6th cook on the wsm. Tonight will be kingsford.

Take the Cowboy back for a refund before you open it. Save yourself the trouble and misery.
I'm very disappointed with Rancher and won't be buying any more. It's ok for minion method for smoking, but for grilling, it's hard to light, burns up quickly, leaves a lot of ash and in general, is very unsat.

I'm going back to lump for smoking and KF for grilling.
Pete, you are correct, Rancher is not lump.

Kings been around a long time and thankfully, it will be around for a long time into the future.

Rancher seems to be a clean burning, lower ash producing charcoal and, also low cost. Those are my observations. Others seem to believe some or all of those observations.
Well, I've found Rancher to be superior to Kingsford in every way. That's coming from someone who used Kingsford for years. Sure it takes a little longer to light but the wait is well worth not having to smell that Kingford mix of "added ingredients" as it burns.

Just picked up an additional 15 bags yesterday @$2.99. That's a heck of a deal IMO!!!
I used my new Rancher for the first time last night. I did some stuffed pork chops indirect on the 22 inch. The temp got a little higher than I wanted, but after 45 mins of cooking (these chops were well over a lb each)...we lost very little charcoal. When I shut it down, I felt like I had used no charcoal at all. There was very little ash production and it was much easier to get started than the regular Kingsford. I should say that I rarely have trouble getting Kingsford to light in the chimney, but the Rancher briquettes were ready to dump within 15 mins. It usually takes longer for my Kingsford briquettes.
Boy I don't know what you do for it to burn up fast. I get about 8 more hours out of a bag of rancher than K. I am a regular K user. I won't be going back to it anytime soon either. I got about 60 bags to tide me over for a while.
Originally posted by Jason Wayne:
I used my new Rancher for the first time last night. When I shut it down, I felt like I had used no charcoal at all. There was very little ash production and it was much easier to get started than the regular Kingsford.

Yep I agree. I used the rancher for the first time today on a BB cook. When i was done at 5.5 hrs into the cook i looked in the charcoal bowl and it looked like i didn't use any charcoal at all. No complaints what so ever with the Rancher Charcoal. Well one, can't seem to find it anymore. But I have 30 bags of it so I'm good for a while.
Originally posted by Bryan S:... No complaints what so ever with the Rancher Charcoal.
High praise from the "King of Lump" ... just kidding, thanks for the eval Bryan.

Originally posted by Paul G.:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan S:... No complaints what so ever with the Rancher Charcoal.
High praise from the "King of Lump" ... just kidding, thanks for the eval Bryan.

Paul </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Paul, Yes I am a huge fan of lump I also Am a fan of good briqs. I used to be able to get the Maple Leaf brand of Briqs from Canada and to this day that was the best briqs I have ever used. Royal Oak is another good one but I think the Rancher is better than RO but not quite as good as that Maple Leaf was.
Kingsford with it's putrid blue smoke, I'm not a fan of.
Bought 8 bags when it was on sale a few weeks ago. I should go back to my HD in Bellevue and see if they have any more.

Can't find anymore around here. I think 2 stores got 1 pallet each. Sent HD an email, got kind of a "mundane" reply.
Hope they'll get more. It is "good stuff". got only 2 bags left of 7 purchased.
Picked up 8 more bags this weekend, for a total of 38. I thought that we had bought the last of the stock at HD, so I was suprised to see another pallet.

Originally posted by Stone:
What is Rancher? (Other than, obviously, charcoal.)
Is it on-sale somewhere?
Yep Great charcoal for cheap, $2.99 a 20lb bag. Well if you look right above your post it tells you, Home Depot.

