Holiday cooking and other activities.


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Hello everyone.... I hope everyone had a merry Christmas. Here's some cooking we have done during the holidays. Feel free to ask questions....

Went to visit Maribels family for Christmas had to load up my truck first.

Christmas Eve ribs and some cigar smoking.

Christmas morning drinking and breakfast

Chicken dinner

Back home and made my self comfortable

Put the mini wsm to work.

That's all my friends

Tony and Maribel
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I'll take a plateful of those GREAT lookking PP tacos. its 4:00AM here and you're making me hungry.

Drink a little drink, Smoke a little smoke :wsm:
I don't know what I'd start with, but I'd sit down and eat every single one of those for dinner tonight. Nice collction of cooks!
LOL. I hope you had some relatives on clean-up duty. Well done. BTW, was that chilaquiles for breakfast? If so, I need a good recipe. The last one I tried was a mess.
LOL. I hope you had some relatives on clean-up duty. Well done. BTW, was that chilaquiles for breakfast? If so, I need a good recipe. The last one I tried was a mess.

I can help with the chilaquiles recipe. Let me get home and I will talk to Maribel.
I don't think I've seen that BBQ before, New Christmas present?

Some fantastic cooks Tony, you wasted little time making your recently acquired WSM kick out some great eats!

Got it a few months ago on Craigslist for cheap.

