Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
Read the datasheets precise information, but it is 3C initial accuracy, 0.3% gain error. That means the that at 100C it might read 103C, but at 1000C it will read 1003C +/- 0.15%. The "initial accuracy" is constant across the range. The decimal values are significant but are relative to the initial accuracy. If readings varied by 3C HeaterMeter couldn't control the BBQ, but they don't they vary with temperature but offset by the initial accuracy plus the gain error and ambient temperature rejection.
I don't think 3C makes a big difference in BBQ and if anyone thinks they can control the temperature in a charcoal BBQ to less than 3C tolerance they're completely wrong about their ability. You can calibrate out the 3C error at your target temperature but I guarantee you that the temperature hitting two parts of the same pork butt varies by 3C at least.
I don't think 3C makes a big difference in BBQ and if anyone thinks they can control the temperature in a charcoal BBQ to less than 3C tolerance they're completely wrong about their ability. You can calibrate out the 3C error at your target temperature but I guarantee you that the temperature hitting two parts of the same pork butt varies by 3C at least.