Have 4 Webers and find the quality and service to be going down hill.

It's amazing to me how many grills have been around for 30-40 years and the original wood and Z metal is still in excellent condition.

Even my 1985 has excellent wood and Z metal
I think that’s also unique to where it’s physically kept. The Genesis 2 I have, was kept against the house under the overhang and wood slats (having been painted with a spray can at some point) was in remarkable shape, Z bars included. I’ve yet to see overly rusted Z bars on any I’ve the durawood grills I’ve snagged.
I think the consumer has driven some of the quality issues because I think we live in a disposable society. There is no need to make something that will last. It doesn't matter if what you own still works or not, we are often looking to upgrade to the next best thing.
Davis, I think you are correct. Also, I just don't think a lot of younger people have the DIY abilities that older generations do. It used to be that most people changed their own oil in cars. Now many 20 somethings don't even know how to check their oil. Same with a gas grill. If a set of burners gets all gunked up or rots out, they are not likely to pull the guts out a grill to clean them or heaven forbid replace the burners. When the Flavorizer bars or burners start falling apart, they simply consider the grill dead and push it to the curb.
I remember when I picked up a beautiful Genesis 2-3 identical to the one Larry bought new. It is a beautiful example of an original Weber Genesis. I've been lucky enough to pick up a few now in almost new condition but this one has probably the nicest original wood slats. If I remember right the lady I bought it from was in her mid-80s and her son helped me bring it out to my truck. He said he would have keep it but decided to buy a new one instead. By the time I had it loaded in my truck and tied down our conversation had changed the look on his face from confident in this decision to second guessing his life choices. This isn't the first time that happened. I always like to get some history on the grills I'm picking up if I can. Especially if it's from the original owner. Also of course ask if they still have the 3 ring binder or any paper work from the original purchase. I haven't done anything with this grill yet. I actually kind of forgot about it but it's in line for refresh/restoration. It reminds me of Larry being exactly like the one he bought new. I wish I could restore it and give it to Larry exactly like the one he bought new all those years ago. I know it would get the appreciation it deserves.
I wish I could restore it and give it to Larry exactly like the one he bought new all those years ago. I know it would get the appreciation it deserves.
Much appreciated sentiments. BTW that OG grill still "lives on" even after being crushed by a piece of construction equipment thanks and hats off to Gerry Schaeffer for that for supplying a frame to replace the one crushed by careless construction workers at my SIL and daughter's home.
Still work to be done on it. A tab broke off in the fire box and the front burner is not sitting correctly (though I did leave a good box there for he and I to install some time), and I have to figure something out for a flip up table with that old mid-late 80s long slat frame rather than the OG frame I got it with.
Sadly time has not been kind to anyone but hopefully soon
Much appreciated sentiments. BTW that OG grill still "lives on" even after being crushed by a piece of construction equipment thanks and hats off to Gerry Schaeffer for that for supplying a frame to replace the one crushed by careless construction workers at my SIL and daughter's home.
Still work to be done on it. A tab broke off in the fire box and the front burner is not sitting correctly (though I did leave a good box there for he and I to install some time), and I have to figure something out for a flip up table with that old mid-late 80s long slat frame rather than the OG frame I got it with.
Sadly time has not been kind to anyone but hopefully soon
If you need anything else for that Grill that I can send you through the mail just let me know and I'll see if I have it. I'm happy to help if I can.

If I lived closer to all you guys I'd say let's all get together and make the best of that Grill come to life again.
Well I have to say my SIL really loves it and enjoys it. He's been taking good care of it. Even bought it an OEM Weber cover. Which since it's sheltered in a breezeway and under a roof it really doesn't need. I have to review with him but I'm pretty sure we have to find a way to redo a flip up side table for it, and a couple other niggling things like perhaps, bracketry and little hardware bits and pieces.
He totally enjoys having and using it. He's done a lot of entertaining on it
I'm sure everyone has a favorite Weber customer service story. Here's mine: at least 15 years ago I bought a green 22" kettle from one of those "unclaimed freight" stores. The lid had several places where the porcelain had been badly chipped, but the price was right, so I took it. I called Weber customer service, explained the situation, and asked the CSR if she could tell me a brand/color of high-temp paint that was a good match for the green color. She said that wouldn't work very well, and that instead she would send me a replacement lid. I again explained that I had bought the grill from a non-standard source and the lid had been damaged by negligent handling before I got it. She insisted on sending the new lid, so I gratefully accepted. I cooked burgers on that grill yesterday. I've replaced the wheels, and added a KillaGrilla grate, and I expect the grill to outlast me. It would be nice if product quality and customer service were still at the level I experienced.
I would be willing to pay A Lot of money for a product built like that today from a company that's got your back 100%.
Weber grills were always more money than most of the other brands out there and that always worked fine for them as a company. The consumer got a grill that not only cooked better than most anything else in the market, they also got one that would far outlast their contemporaries as well. It really was a win/win situation for many years. Not only that, you also received excellent customer service and parts availability. I suppose some of these points are still true, but not all of them by a longshot.
Weber grills were always more money than most of the other brands out there and that always worked fine for them as a company. The consumer got a grill that not only cooked better than most anything else in the market, they also got one that would far outlast their contemporaries as well. It really was a win/win situation for many years. Not only that, you also received excellent customer service and parts availability. I suppose some of these points are still true, but not all of them by a longshot.
Sadly this is no longer, and hasn't been for several years. It's all profit driven, and the quality takes a back seat, along with build of country origin. The two biggest reasons I have them. Sadly it's now gone.

When you look at sns kettles vs the weber performer it just proves this point. They're still living off the past, and getting passed by. I mean if you don't care about made in China why pay for a name that use to stand for something else. I won't ever buy either, but if I did I sure would look at the sns over the weber. Both price and features it's not close.

Here's the sad truth

Sadly this is no longer, and hasn't been for several years. It's all profit driven, and the quality takes a back seat, along with build of country origin. The two biggest reasons I have them. Sadly it's now gone.

When you look at sns kettles vs the weber performer it just proves this point. They're still living off the past, and getting passed by. I mean if you don't care about made in China why pay for a name that use to stand for something else. I won't ever buy either, but if I did I sure would look at the sns over the weber. Both price and features it's not close.

Here's the sad truth

From another thread- a trustworthy source in my opinion:

Post in thread 'FS at Costco (02-18-2023) Weber Genesis II S-435'

An excerpt from that post:

Current generation Genesis models are a mix of Asia and Huntley made units, depending on the exact model. The factory is running everyday producing dozens of models, across several product category lines. Almost all Charcoal models sold in the Americas come out of the plant in Huntley. It is definitely not a ghost town. The parking lot is packed with 100's of cars every week, and while I work at the HQ in Palatine, I have been to the plant many times and know lots of people that work there. I disagree strongly with the accuracy of that Tribune article you mentioned.

I would buy a grill produced by Weber before any of the stolen intellectual property Chinese grills sold for pennies on the dollar at Wally World. But it’s my hard earned dollars and I am free to spend them as I see fit.
From another thread- a trustworthy source in my opinion:

Post in thread 'FS at Costco (02-18-2023) Weber Genesis II S-435'

An excerpt from that post:

Current generation Genesis models are a mix of Asia and Huntley made units, depending on the exact model. The factory is running everyday producing dozens of models, across several product category lines. Almost all Charcoal models sold in the Americas come out of the plant in Huntley. It is definitely not a ghost town. The parking lot is packed with 100's of cars every week, and while I work at the HQ in Palatine, I have been to the plant many times and know lots of people that work there. I disagree strongly with the accuracy of that Tribune article you mentioned.

I would buy a grill produced by Weber before any of the stolen intellectual property Chinese grills sold for pennies on the dollar at Wally World. But it’s my hard earned dollars and I am free to spend them as I see fit.

Ask about the 2012 lawsuit.

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