Grillin' out... HOW IT SHOULD BE!


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
first things 1st.... relaxation time with a very dry 'tini...


then placed a few Oysters on the "barbie"


along with a skillet of garden fresh Patty Pans...


...we sat back for a moment to enjoy the fresh air and the garden growing simply fabulous...


earlier, another Weber was employed for a half slab of Beef Ribs....


more time to relax and enjoy the scenery...


we did pulled out of storage yet another Weber grill to hang a few legs...


...and yet more time to play...


...or kick your feet up and REALLY relax!


ok... as the sun sets on this tiny Town of Raymond and the moon takes domain....

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the ribs were ready to eet


the chicken sticks were done...


we really did not have plates to eet this ****, just grab 'n chow... know what I mean?
afterwards, the nighttime fire warmed our (my) feet... so, life was/is good!


so... now look out your window.....
see allllll the white ****... yeah, so do I.
Now look at your outdoor thermometer.... see what I see? uh huh...
that's why this post was made.
I ain't really crazy, I just act that way on this site.
thanks for listening to my bull$#!+
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I can truly appreciate your comments and photos of better days...

This winter IS getting to me. However, I talked to the ground hog that sometimes lives under my utility barn and he told me, "This too will pass!";)

I cannot wait until it warms up a bit and I can do some SERIOUS BBQ!!!

Next thursday it's going to get near forty above. That'll let me smoke some more cheese. We're heading to the cheese festival at Jungle Jim's tomorrow. They will have their normal 1400 different cheeses for sale and about 80 cheese producers in a big production. Yes, I'm planning to "fall off the wagon"...

Wish you were all going with us!

Keep on smokin',
thanks guys... :o

I had to triple check this post before I got to the end because it sure didn't look like winter in Wisconsin.
oh, it's STILL winter here Dan... we're just dreaming of the finer WARMER days of summer or the REAL weather we should be having...
Well Jim I really feel sorry for all the folks in the Midwest and east coast you folks have had one miserable winter. We living in the southwest and west coast on the other hand haven't had a drop of moisture all winter and the forests all through the west are tinder dry so our living hell will be this summer with the fires. Not looking forward to that at all.
Great post though and that's a very pretty place you call home for sure.
Jim great post and really great cook
Love that martini glass
Your more than welcome to come down and enjoy some warmer weather Q until it thaws up north but those flip flops got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again great post
thanks everybody:)
those cooks were from 2011 or 12... not sure, but certainly when the temps were comfortable in Raymond...
it's still cold today and we're getting more snow now as I type...
someday, it will stop and we'll have green grass and cocktails near the Barbie on a snow-free deck.

I appreciate all your kind comments:o now,... if you'll excuse me, I gotta go fire up the Weber for tonight's dinner.

I lve this place!!
They called it cabin fever back in the day. I wonder if those fur trappers and gold miners ever tried barbecue to beat the blues?
That the way it should be but there is reality. I fired up my grill about a half hour and enjoying a sunny afternoon at the RV resort we are at. I look over at my truck and see something shiny in my tire, a nail. I'm at a tire shop right now getting a patch put on. So much for enjoying my grill.

