I thought about that and I don't think it would be worth the money to people. The raw wood cost $150. I'm extremely particular so I took my sweet time cutting every piece to exactly the same dimension and then spent days sanding every piece by hand. Getting to know each slat personally. Plus cost of everything to finish the wood another $50 so about $200 plus my time for several days or let's say at least three full days. I don't think anyone would pay my breakeven price let alone turn a small profit.
Fwiw, Michelangelo was notoriously late with most of his projects...just saying. I'd wait at least 3 years for your work.
But this did just make me think, I wonder what a platinum would look like with durawood tables... never gave that any consideration, until right now...
It just doesn't look right. Maybe if you used wooden trays that resemble the original tables it would look "right."

The end caps on the cart, look way off. I think if the z bars were stainless it would look different. I do think the durawood would look pretty good on the bottom though.

This is however making a strong case for painting a frame silver. I have a silver C in SS that may get that treatment that I’ll be affectionately calling The Tin Man. 🤣
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