Josh Dekubber
Just messing around with lids and I'll post some more combinations soon with gray lid and Skyline lid. I lost track of how many times @Cody Bratton asked for the Redhead Sappy Walnut so here is some shots.
Everyone add your pics and different color combinations or whatever pics for fun.
I have decided that I'm going to use this wood on a different grill. I love this wood and was the vision I had that became reality. But...
I'm going back to original with my 1000LX with its original gray Durawood. This pic
Here are some more pics including my Genesis 2000 Redhead with my Green lid on it.
Everyone show your grills
Pics please
Everyone add your pics and different color combinations or whatever pics for fun.
I have decided that I'm going to use this wood on a different grill. I love this wood and was the vision I had that became reality. But...
I'm going back to original with my 1000LX with its original gray Durawood. This pic
Here are some more pics including my Genesis 2000 Redhead with my Green lid on it.
Everyone show your grills
Pics please