Golf balls or hail?

Either that or Weber is cheaping out on the lid materials. Nice to see the porcelain hold up though.
Looks like the hood of my car. Might of been the same front that moved thru our area early April.
Iowa was hit also.
My late father's 2004 Buick has that same custom body work thanks to a thunderstorm many years ago. He didn't have physical damage insurance so he just drove it, dents and all. It hasn't rusted yet.
We got a significant hail storm in April 2022. Complete roof tear-off and reshingle and damage to 2 vehicles. Unfortunately, my '99 Civic just isn't worth repairing the sheet metal, so I'm gonna drive it as a golf ball until the wheels fall off. What's REALLY strange is that we had no glass damage at all on either the house or vehicles. Hail was roughly quarter sized.

