Garlic Sirloin Cap Steak on a big grill


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Home alone, dinner for one.
While grocery shopping yesterday I spotted these in a meat case marked Manager Special, with a title of beef loin sirloin steak, CAB Choice.
I recognized them as sirloin cap steaks, they were $5.99/lb and I bought a dozen.

Itching to use my newly acquired 26 incher I picked out a medium sized one, rolled and pinned it picanha style:


Gave it a big dose of garlic powder with a dash of pepper:


Cleaned it off after about 3 hrs. in the fridge, salted, and brought to room temp:


Fired up the new kid with Coshell over lump:


Bacon wrapped asparagus and a Klondike Rose gold potato cooking first:


Reverse sear time, fat cap first:




Sirloin is one of my favorites, and this was a super supper!



I'd guess these weigh anywhere from 5 oz. to 7 oz. each.
I froze them 3 to a package for when a steak craving hits.
Thanks for stopping by!
Great looking cook and meal. Looks like you could have cooked it all on a Smokey Joe, but I'll bet it was more fun on the new 26" toy!!
Great deal on those steaks Bob. An even greater looking job on the cook! Love the color combos in your superb pictures!
Glorious one-man dinner, Bob! As a recovering picanha junkie myself, I give your cook a big time thumbs up. Gotta love that fat cap on this underrated cut of beef.
WOW!! Bob that is one fantastic meal but you seam to have a little acreage left over. What's next on that big boy?
WOW!! Bob that is one fantastic meal but you seam to have a little acreage left over. What's next on that big boy?

Thanks everyone!

Sunday our wonderful, and handy son in law is doing a replacement install for our kitchen sink, faucet, and disposal.
He's a tri tip fanatic so I'll do one for him, maybe some of these steaks, chicken thighs, and taters too.
Indeed, you Are a Chef!
and a dang good grill master too.
Nice job on your solo dinner AND cleaning that "gunked up big time" SS cooking grate.

