gameday brisket-all night cook

I cooked a 8.5 lb brisket for the Clemson FSU game that turned out awful, but the food was great. Best brisket I have ever cooked. Started on the UDS drum at 8:15 pm friday night and cooked for 15 hours using blue bag k pecan cut from my yard and aged mesquite wood. I went to bed around midnight and when I woke up at 6 temp had dropped some so I had to bump it back up (I am ok with that because I got to sleep a bit and had the time to play with). Pulled the brisket off about 15 hours latter. Cooked at 250 the whole time (225 on therm). I used my standard dry rub with sugar, salt, pepper, garlic, etc.

I wrapped it in foil when done after cooling a bit and then put it in a yeti cooler with some baked beans (both stayed nice and warm) and cut meat at the tailgate in Clemson for the meal.

Excellent looking brisket, Hamilton !
How do you like the BPS drum kit and the Yeti (have been seriously looking at the Yeti for camping, ie bear proof) ?
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Bob I like them both, I have 2 yetis and have got my dad 2. They are great, will last forever, hold ice forever and customer service is great. The BPS kit is worth the money if you want to build a UDS, I only have $150 total in the smoker and they show you exactly how to build it in the instructions.
Thanks Hamilton.
Love dealing with BPS. Currently using them for all my commercial rub, injection and sauce needs.
Great looking brisket. I was also at the game on Saturday. What a miserable game, but like you, we had a great tailgate. Here's to winning out the rest of the year and beating the Gamecocks!

