Hamilton Barnes
I cooked a 8.5 lb brisket for the Clemson FSU game that turned out awful, but the food was great. Best brisket I have ever cooked. Started on the UDS drum at 8:15 pm friday night and cooked for 15 hours using blue bag k pecan cut from my yard and aged mesquite wood. I went to bed around midnight and when I woke up at 6 temp had dropped some so I had to bump it back up (I am ok with that because I got to sleep a bit and had the time to play with). Pulled the brisket off about 15 hours latter. Cooked at 250 the whole time (225 on therm). I used my standard dry rub with sugar, salt, pepper, garlic, etc.
I wrapped it in foil when done after cooling a bit and then put it in a yeti cooler with some baked beans (both stayed nice and warm) and cut meat at the tailgate in Clemson for the meal.
I wrapped it in foil when done after cooling a bit and then put it in a yeti cooler with some baked beans (both stayed nice and warm) and cut meat at the tailgate in Clemson for the meal.